Chapter 3

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Hamunaptra - City of the Dead

Millions of workers were digging their way into the ruins of Hamunaptra.

"The book of the dead gives life," said Lock-Nah with the black book on his hands translating the hieroglyphics.

"And the book of the living takes life away," continue saying Meela Nais, the incarnation of Anck-Su-Namun, with the golden book on her hands.

"I though that was my job," said Lock-Nah to Meela.

Meela gave him a huge grin, she did not understand why she knew the things that she did, it was like flashes of memories where coming back to her.

"We are getting close," was the only this Meela replied.

On the other side diggers kept on digging while Baltus Hafez, who alongside Meela where executing everything according to the plan. Hafez was distracted when he heard the honk of a truck coming his way.

The three horseman that tried to kill and take the bracelet of Anubis from the O'Connell's where getting out of the car.

"Did you acquire it?" Asked Hafez.

But before they could replied the floor started to violently shake, and as soon as it started it completely stopped.

From inside one of the diggers hole weird sounds could be heard, like something was moving inside the sand. Then the sand started to rise, a huge flashlight was pointing towards it, everyone was looking what was happening and to their "luck" thousand of scarabs appear out of the sand killing every digger that was inside in the most horrible way.

"We are getting very close!" said Meela very excited not really caring for the poor people who where suffering down there and got inside the car with Lock-nah.

Someone was shouting to get everyones attention, Hafez turned towards the direction the man was shouting and said, "We found him!" and started running screaming over and over again, "We found him!"

Inside a weird form consume in a hard clear stone was the Priest Imhotep, everyone wanted to get close and see what was going on but were pushed back by the soldier that were working for Meela and Hafez.

"Step aside there. Out of the way." said Hafez as he was pushing people out of his way and got close to the weird stone.

"Imhotep. It's him. It's Imhotep." said again Hafez to Meela and Lock-nah.

Meela ran her hand over the stone feeling like she needed to be there and whoever was inside the stone was making her heart race faster.

"Now we must raise those that serve him." said Lock-nah as he was taking a huge blue vase but before he could opened it was interrupted.

"Get out of my way. Get out of my way or I'm gonna shoot you in the face." said Red as he was pushing people to the side.

The three guys that were suppose to kill the O'Connell's were passing the people around them and face Lock-nah, Meela and Hafez.

"Give it to me." said Hafez to the three combo.

"The opportunity passed us by." replied Red with not so much care.

"We need that bracelet." said Hafez very mad

"We need it before it opens." said Lock-nah as he was pulling his gun and point it to the three man.

Spivey and Jacques also pulled their guns out but Jacques had to correct Spivey as he was pointing his gun into Red's head.

"Enough!" said Meela already tired of this ridiculous exchange.

"My dear Hafez, I told you I should have handled it." said again Meela.

"I did not want you past history to cloud the issue." replied Hafez.

"Don't you worry none. We know where it is. We'll take care of it." said Red Hafez.

"No, we'll take care of it. I have a different chore for you now." said Hafez wanting to take action himself knowing for sure that this time they will get the bracelet.

"Where is the bracelet?" Meela said already wanting to get this over with.

"It's on its way to merry old London." Red replied with a mischievous grin as he was looking directly to Meela.

Meela and Hafez turn to looked towards one another and Hafez said, "Then London is where we must go." and walked away from everyone.

What they did not know was that Ardeth Bay was watching and hearing everything they had said. And without a second thought he knew that London was his next destination and warned his dear friends.

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