Chapter 13

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Ahm Shere

"We're gonna go get my son. Then we're gonna wanna get out of here fast, so make this work Izzy." said Rick while he was passing everyone their bags, so they could get going and rescue Sophie's and Rick's son.

"No, no, you don't understand, goddamm it. This thing was filled with gas. Not hot air... Gas! I need gas to get this thing off the ground. Where am I gonna get gas from around here? Huh? Bananas? Mangos? Tarzan's ass?" Izzy went on and on, on his ramp rage but stopped as he watched the looked Rick was giving him

"Well, maybe I could finagle it to make hot air. But do you know how many cubic meters I'd need? It's too big!" said Izzy to Rick.

"If anybody can fill this thing up with hot air, Izzy, it's you." replied Rick and gave a gentle slap on Izzy's arm.

Jonathan took this chance to take away the gold specter with him. He did not wanted to leave it behind with Izzy as they have been fighting over it since the beginning of their journey.

"Horus!" Called Ardeth to his small companion and gave him the letter for his commander.

"So, Rick, what's the plan?" asked Jonathan

"Let's find some higher ground." Rick replied.

As Horus was flying above the jungle a gun was aimed right at him and with a single shot Lock-Nah had killed Ardeth little companion.

"Horus!" Screamed Ardeth with worry but the bird did not return to its master.

This made Ardeth anxious, not only for the loss of his longtime companion but without that letter the rest of the Medjai could not reach Ahm Shere and they would be at a disadvantage.

"I must go." said Ardeth.

"Where?" asked Rick and walked towards his friend.

"I must let the commanders know where we are." replied Ardeth.

"You can't go." Rick plead.

"If the Army of Anubis arises..." started saying Ardeth.

"I need you to help me find my son." Rick pleaded again.

Ardeth looked the desperation on Rick's eyes and with a torn mind he could not let his friend alone on this task.

"Then first, I shall help you." Finally, Ardeth answered.

"Thank you." said Rick really grateful for having him as a friend.



Imhotep people were walking in the jungle and the passed a rather creepy place were skulls where hanging on top of spears.

All of them were anxious, they all knew that this place was not safe and just wanted to get out of there.

"Look. Roman legionnaires. And here. Turn-of-the-century French. Napoleon's troops." Hafez said as he was pointing towards all the skeletons around them.

"What in the name of Anubis did this?" asked Lock-Nah and pulled out his sword.

Alex was scared as he watched all these dead bodies around him and was pushed to keep going.

Above them there was all five of them preparing their guns and making a plan to rescue Alex.

"You hear that?" asked Rick

"What?" Ardeth asked back.

"Nothing, absolutely nothing" replied Rick and pulled his guns towards him. For a Jungle so big and not having any type of noise meant that something was wrong.

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