Chapter Three: The Hunt for the Tortoise Part 1

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Chapter Three: The Hunt for the Tortoise Part 1

Ladybug then swung her yoyo over to the Agreste's house and then waited patiently from afar on a building, got a good look of the tortoise themed villain. Turtle Terrorizer saw the yoyo then grabbed it with his upper left hand and then clawed at one of the cops and then got stuck in a yellow bubble. "NOOO!" Chat Noir and Ladybug yelled. "CATACLYSM!!!" Chat Noir yelled and activated his cataclysm and then touched the brick wall of the building to the Agreste's house. It then fell down onto Turtle Terrorizer and trampled him. "Ladybug can you try to get the citizens down and out of their bubbles?" Asked Chat Noir.

"I'll TRY!! HYAH!" Ladybug said then threw her yoyo up in the air at one of the bubbles and it didn't pop, instead her yoyo just bounced back to her. "It...It didn't work..." Ladybug said in disbelief, catching her breath out of surprise. "Hm hm hm. Of course it didn't." Said Turtle then he tapped his right upper arm and pointed at the claws. "Turtle venom Ladybug." 'Turtle venom...So THAT'S what the second venom is called.' Thought Chat Noir to himself. "We can't destroy the venom or the source so what do we do Ladybug??" "Hmm. I don't know I hadn't put too much thought into tha-AAAT!!" Ladybug said, before getting cut off and almost, quite literally, by Turtle Terrorizer's claws as he lunged at her trying to swipe at her, but it was avoided thanks to Chat Noir's smart wits and even smarter baton. "Looks like this cat's got the TURTLE's tongue this time around. Just hope its not a snapping turtle. For both my sake and his~." Chat Noir said and winked at Terrorizer. "Ahh a jokester I see...well then I just hope that you enjoy the punchline in every comedian's ACT!" Turtle terrorizer yelled and threw a punch at Chat Noir's face and then he got hit and stumbled backwards holding his nose in his hands. "CHAT NOIR! NO!" "I-I'm fine m'lady! grunts. Just try to stop him before its too late!" Ladybug looked at him for a few seconds with concern then turned around and looked at Turtle Terrorizer then frowned, angrily and then jumped over to him and whipped her yoyo towards him and then it wrapped around his arm and she quickly pulled herself in and glared at him and punched him in the face. "Oohh...owww." "Oh. Sorry do you not like the taste of sucker punch? I think its quite fruity and filled with flavor and bruises and its quite a acquired taste for my taste buds. NOW. Hand me you're akumatized object. This instant." "Hmm. Confident. I like that in a foe. Makes for a good art piece. Care to be one of them ladySPLAT?! HYAH!" Said Turtle Terrorizer as he tried to punch Ladybug but then she quickly jumped out of the way and then tried to grab him with her yoyo, and Chat Noir was behind her getting up, and then Turtle Terrorizer noticed this then bounced the yoyo back to them with his arm and made it wrap up around her and Chat Noir and then they stumbled and fell over. "Blah!" "Laaaaaterrr loooserrrrsssss~! Hehehehehehehehehe!" Turtle Terrorizer yelled and ran off. "Blink blink blink." Flashed Chat Noir's ring. "I gotta go M'lady but what should we do in the meantime?" "Hmm. We try to track his plans and rythms. Now go and feed you're kwami I'm gonna do the same for mine." Chat Noir nodded his head, got himself unstuck and ran off.

Chat Noir ran off and then de-transformed. "Plagg Claws in." "I don't know what the villain's weakness is yet but-" He muttered to himself as he walked out of the same alleyway as the last time that he went to after fighting Turtle Terrorizer the other time and then Marinette walked by and said to herself, and also Tikki, who was hiding inside her bag, "We can always analyze and plan an attack." They both said to themselves and their kwamis not noticing either one's presence until they heard their voice speak at the end of their sentences.

"Marinette?" "A-Adrien?" "You're still out here?? But WHY??" Marinette exclaimed clearly very confused. "Well~ Hehehe. It's most certainly NOT that I am afraid of some silly tortoise m'lady~." "Y-You're l-lady? A-Adrien why do you keep calling m-me that?" Marinette said then blushed. Adrien jumped back in surprise then waved his hands around in the air. "No no I meant my purrfectious m'lady FRIEND Marinette and I meant no I am looking for a place to hide! Please Ladybug come and hide me somewhere. And I keep s-saying that because you are m'lady that I feel comfortable around when t-things go crumbling down." Marinette looked at him with shocked eyes then blushed and chuckled slightly. "Its okay Adrien I understand that you are afraid but you have to stay brave. Besides that's what Ladybug and Chat Noir would want most from us right now." Marinette looked at Adrien with a smile and placed her hand on his shoulder. Adrien blushed, then smiled and hugged her. "Thanks Marinette. You're the best best friend that I could ever ask for." "R-Really? Thanks Adrien. Now go back to the classroom I'm gonna try to help out the police." "Right super Marinette!" Adrien said and winked at her then ran into the boy's bathroom.

" 'Purrfectious m'lady friend'? Really Adrien? Really?" "What? I had to say something! It was the only thing that came off the top of my head! Anyway Plagg now's not the time to bicker. Time to transform! Plagg Claws out!" Adrien exclaimed, then recited the magical words and got transformed into Chat Noir.

Chat Noir then grabbed out his ChatPhone and dialed to Ladybug. "This is Ladybug leave a message." It went to voicemail after Chat Noir dialed. "Ladybug I fed my kwami, we didn't talk but I am going to scope out Paris and comb around to look for our reptilian fiendish friend. Meet me at the Museum if I can't manage to find him I should be there. Chat Noir out." Chat Noir then hung up and hopped away into the air near to the Eiffel Tower.

"Adrien sure is acting strange today isn't he Marinette?" Tikki commented to Marinette as she floated in the air. "Yes quite but now's not the time to question things we have to help out Chat Noir and stop Turtle Terrorizer! Tikki spots on! Hah!" Marinette re-incited the magic words then got transformed into Ladybug.

Chat Noir looked on the side of the Eiffel tower then on the back and could see some thread that was gleaming with a yellow substance on it and some slightly orange. Chat Noir poked it with his stick. Then suddenly as the yellow stringy substance got poked by his baton it started to slowly crawl onto his stick then absorbed his said stick and then floated into mid air. "Ah. So that's what the yellow substance does it envelops anything that it touches and traps it in a weird, bubble thingy."

"Oh yea? And what thingy would that be? A evil thingy? A stringy thingy? Oh I do sure hope not a PUNNY thingy like you Chat Noir!" Ladybug said as she swooped in and poked Chat Noir's nose and smiled at him. "Nah probably just a charming thingy like my lucious looks." Responded Chat Noir. Ladybug just giggled and Chat Noir blushed a bit. "But in all seriousness Chat Noir do you really think this is what that stuff could be?" "Positive m'lady. See. Watch this." Chat Noir spoke, grabbed a small rock off from the ground, poked the yellow substance with it and then it got absorbed by the supposed venom, going by Ladybug and Chat Noir's hypothesis and then it got trapped in a bubble. "Ah. Its a bubble." Ladybug said then poked the bubble only for it to not pop. "Intriguing. What is that turtle up to?" "Whatever it is it can be no good. It has Hawkmoth written all over it."

Then Ladybug swung her yoyo up into the air and over to a building and away from the Eiffel tower. "Come on Chat! Follow me!" 

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