Chapter Thirteen: Hints and the lost kwami

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Chapter Thirteen: Hints and the lost kwami

"Come on Ladybug just give up and GIVE ME YOU'RE MIRACULOUS!" "NOT A CHANCE SWAMP SCUPPLER!" "Seriously though? Swamp scuppler? You two SERIOUSLY couldn't come up with ANY of a better name for him at all??" Spoke Chat Noir to Swamp Scuppler the villain that had the power of making cities turn into a swamp like domain and everyone in it into either a fish reptile or amphibian.

He had a hook spear for a weapon and then he swung it at Chat Noir which Chat Noir luckily dodged. "Lucky Chaaaaarmmmmm!"Then suddenly Ladybug received a bag of marbles. She then threw them to Chat Noir. "Chat Noir catch!" "Right!" He said then caught then and put them into the villain's shoes weighing him down. Then suddenly Ladybug threw her yoyo into the villain's face and then he stumbled back and then fell over instead of flying like he was before. Then Ladybug grabbed his hook cane and broke it in half. "Time to de-evilize!" She yelled then threw her yoyo into the air, caught the akuma, then de-evilized it. Then she let it free and yelled, "Miraculous Ladybuuuuug!" As she did so she threw the marbles into the air.

Then suddenly everything was back to normal. The country man then sat up and looked around with his hand on his head. "Uhhh. Where am I?" "Pound it!" "Seeya later m'lady!" Chat Noir waved then ran off and so did Ladybug. As he ran off he noticed her go into a alleyway the same one that Marinette was hiding in during the attack of Turtle Terrorizer. He blinked for a second then simply shrugging it off as a coincidence and then hid in a different alleyway and de-transformed.

Adrien then suddenly walked out of the alleyway with a smug smirk and walked back over to class. Then suddenly as he did he saw Marinette walk by but not from the alleyway but from the other side of the school building.

"We did a awesome job today Tikki! You me, Chat Noir, his kwami! We were such a awesome team!" "Yeah! That villain got the wind knocked RIGHT out of him!" Tikki said while Marinette was looking at Tikki in her bag not paying attention to where she was going and then accidentally bumped into "Adrien watch out dude!" Yelled Nino at Adrien who was walking up the steps to get to class. Then both Marinette and Adrien collided on the steps by accident causing Tikki to fly out of Marinette's purse by accident.

"Marinette? You okay?" "Ah yea I'm fine Adrien- WAIT WHAT??! A-ADRIEN??! Why does it have to be you of all people." Marinette panicked, the last part she muttered out. "What? What do you mean by that? Do you not like me or something Marinette?" Adrien said, with a sad expression on his face. "W-Wait what??! NO! No no no no no no no! I meant that as in why does it have to be you because of how pretty you are! Wait, no, not pretty I mean pretty handsome yea! Pretty great too! Definitely not because I don't like you or anything! Tee hee hee." Marinette said then smiled awkwardly. "Yea well then we better get to class. Care to walk with me, friend?" Adrien said then smiled at her.

Marinette looked at him, then blinked, then nodded whilst blushing madly. "S-s-s-sure! Why not old buddy old pal of mine?" Marinette said then walked to class with him.

Then suddenly as they were both walking together Adrien stopped for a second and looked around. "Huh? What's wrong Adrien? Why did you stop?" Marinette asked him. "Do you see that?" "See what?" "Nathaniel. He isn't here." Adrien said. Marinette gasped then looked around. "You're right. I wonder what happened to him." "What if he got sick?" "Oh I sure hope not. That would just be terrible." "Yea that would be." "Well...Let's just hope for the best and get back to class. Sound like a plan?" Marinette asked then smiled at Adrien. Adrien smiled back then they walked back to class.

After Adrien was done with school he waved goodbye to everyone including Marinette who was waving goodbye in a weird manner, smiling cheekishly, mouth and jaw dropped open. Then suddenly as Adrien walked by he found a small red animal and partially humanoid but at the same time none of those things looking object. But unbeknownst to him it was no mere 'object'. It was in fact- "Tikki?!" Marinette said as she looked inside her bag to check on her like she usually does after school.

"Hmm wonder what this is? Some kind of t-Plagg!" "Hmm?" "Do you know what THIS could be?" "Hmm." Plagg said and squinted his eyes out from the bag and then gasped. "Tikki! Adrien quick put her in here with me and get in the car." Plagg explained. "What?" "Just do it!" "Okay okay just take it easy Plagg." "Sorry Adrien its just that if thats really who I think it is we are in soooo much trouble!" "Okay I get it Plagg okay." Adrien said then put the other little kwami in there with Plagg.

"Plagg! Oh my goodness! Its so good too see you again! Its been so long!" "Mm?" The Gorilla mumbled as he heard the kwamis talking from Adrien's bag, wondering what all that noise was. "Ju-Just my cellphone! See? Hehe." "Mmph." Replied the Gorilla and opened up the car door for Adrien and then Adrien stepped inside and sat down. "Its nice to see you too Tikki but for right now we must be quiet and make sure that Mr. Gorilla or anyone else except Adrien finds out about you're existence. Okay?" "Mm." Tikki nodded her head confidently in agreement.

"So wait a second you mean to tell me that you're Tikki aka Ladybug's kwami?" "Yes and I really need to get back to her as soon as possible. But...I Don't know how to do just THAT." Tikki explained then looked down sad.

Adrien looked at her for a second then smiled confidently. "Don't worry Tikki, it will be okay. Besides at least you found me and Plagg before you found some kind of stranger...Also I have a couple of questions for you, if that's alright that is." Adrien said as a classic Chat Noir smirk started to rise. "Oh no." Plagg mumbled. "That's it! I'm gonna go get some socks and cheese!" Plagg yelled across the room and flew into the bathroom and started to sniff some smelly socks.

"Sure. What is it Chat Noir?"

Adrien then just started to smirk more. 

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now