Chapter Eighteen: Setting aside our differences

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Chapter Eighteen: Setting aside our differences

"M-Marinette! Wait!" "Chat stay away from me please!" Marinette yelled as she ran away. to the same alley-way as before and hid there. "Marinette please if you would just listen to me then maybe we could give this a chance and make things work!" "What makes you think that? I don't want you to be uncertain because of me, let alone feel like you have to be scared of how 'great' and 'better' I am then you." "Then maybe if you would just listen to me and give me a chance then maybe we can make things work. Maybe then we both don't have to be afraid. Maybe then we could both be confident, like you always are m'lady. After all, thats what I always loved about you. You're smart beautiful kind, true to yourself especially and always put others first. And especially because you are so miraculous and I always knew that even the person underneath the mask and outside of THAT life that I shared with her that she is just as the same. And you're extremely creative and talented and overall you're my partner and my friend m'lady. Even though I am in love with you now and always I will always put our friendship first and forever cherish it."

There was a thin silence in the air for about a minute or so and then suddenly Marinette showed up out from behind the corner and looked at Adrien. "Did you really mean all of that? Every word that you said?" "Every word AND letter m'lady. But honestly I still can't believe that the love of my life is my best friend at school." "Hehehe. And I can't believe that my silly kitty is the love of MY life. WAIT. I MEAN- I- I-" "Wait...Marinette...You mean...You're in love with me?" "Y...Yes Adrien I'm in love with you. But I have to ask are you actually in love with Ladybug AKA me...For real?" "...Yes. Yes I am. But I will forever and always be in love with you. But wait, you were only in love with Adrien...What did that make Chat Noir to you? Minced meat?" Adrien said and looked down sad.

"W-What?? Kitty no! I just never knew that it was for real that you were in love with me that and it was just because my heart belonged to someone else. I was just too, dedicated to the one I felt true to." Marinette said and gently held his head in her hand. Adrien looked up at her with a sad look then smiled. "Well at least I know how to respect that. As Chat Noir and as Adrien, regardless of how much it hurts. But why? Why do you love me? Oh right, its just because I'm cute gorgeous famous popular rich etc etc. Thats all that anyone ever really cares about." "No, Adrien I love you for you're kindness and blind side to the cruelties of this world and how warmhearted you are. You're very sweet and overall a good hearted person and thats why...I...I love you Adrien."

"Marinette...I...I never knew that you felt this way about me...I...I love you...too." Adrien leaned in a little bit closer to Marinette's head after she let go and then Marinette just giggled a little bit before sighing with a smile on her face. "I just don't understand though why you would like a super clutz like me. That's what I was always scared of is that you would reject a super clutz like me. Sniff...Because a girl like me doesn't deserve a boy like you." Marinette said sadly and looked down at her feet. Adrien looked at her in a baffled state, blinked then, he started to burst out laughing. "Marinette thats exactly the same way how I and Chat Noir felt around you and Ladybug as a friend to Marinette and Ladybug and as a love interest to Ladybug. Just because we feel these ways doesn't mean that's how things actually are. How things actually are in reality is that we do deserve each other." Marinette looked up at him in surprise without a sad face anymore. Marinette then blinked at him in disbelief then smiled softly. "I really do love you Adrien." "I love you too Marinette." Then they both closed their eyes, smiled, gently pressed both of their foreheads against one another and gently rubbed their noses against each other as they both held each other close in a warm embrace.

"By the way Adrien this is my kwami Tikki, I know you guys probably already met but I just wanted to introduce her this way always if we ever were to find out this way about each other's identities." Marinette said as she pulled away and opened her bag. Marinette smiled and giggled with Tikki as she flew out. "Hello again Adrien." "Hahaha. Hi Tikki. Good to see you re-united with you're owner." "And its good to be re-united with her."

"Anyway Marinette this is Plagg. Come on out Plagg." "Hello. You got any cheese? Adrien just ran out." "Wait say what now Plagg?" Adrien said and creepily turned around to face Plagg with that 'I'm gonna get you while you sleep' kind of look. "I'm just kidding Adrien! Anyway I'm Plagg. Nice to finally meet you miss...?" "Marinette." Marinette said, smiled, then laughed a little bit. "Ah so you're the amazing mistress behind the mask. Nice to finally meet you." "You too." Marinette said then smiled cheekishly.

"Now guys we have to figure out how to defeat Anti-Healer. Let's brainstorm." "Or you could say bugstorm. Hehe." Adrien said and raised his eyebrows in a silly manner. "Ugh. Adrien I love you and all but SERIOUSLY??" "What can I say bugaboo? I'm pawsitively hilarious. I'm the class clown of all bug and cat jokes." "Ugh." Said Marinette and Tikki as Adrien high fived Plagg while Plagg was laughing. 

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now