Chapter Fourteen: Anti-Healer & Imp-Raiser

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Chapter Fourteen: Anti-Healer & Imp-Raiser

Nathaniel paced around outside as Sam stood on the ground pacing with him. "Darn that dumb Chloe. She's the one at fault for many other things then she has the AUDACITY to call me out and say that its MY FAULT!?! PFFSH! Please! I mean seriously give me a break! She is literally the reason why Kim got akumatized and more!" "Its so unfair! I just wish there were a way...A way to cope with all this...negativity. Groan..Ah, my heart." Nathaniel said as his heart was beating too fast from all the stress not like he was about to have a heart attack or something like that just how you're heart would typically feel after crying too much. He held his hand close to his chest and felt as his heart pulsed, trying to calm it down, his other hand on his cane with Sam on it who was also infuriated by Chloe's rash actions.

"Ah yes. A poor victim of Chloe Bourgeois' false accusations. A strong artist who's inspiration for a reason to move on with life broken and shattered into itty bitty pieces. Such perfect prey for my akuma." Hawkmoth spoke as a butterfly landed on his hand and then he closed his hand on it and then evilized it. He then set it free and watched as it flew away. "Fly away my evil little akuma and evilize this boy's heart!"

Nathaniel then fell onto the ground and started to groan and grit his teeth still clutching onto his cane while Sam was also making angry bat noises. Then suddenly a purple and black butterfly started to fly up to them and then flew into the cane. When it did Hawkmoth could sense TWO entities.

'This was unexpected.' He thought to himself quietly. "Sqwuee?" "Uh...A bat? Well this could be, interesting to say the least.....Ahem. Imp-Raiser, Anti-Healer, I am Hawkmoth and I am giving you the power to make everyone around you and you to aid him with you're powers of plague poison and copycat poison. And you Anti-Healer I am giving you the power of the sea of sadness trapping anyone that you inject you're poison with into a eternal sadness and then blind rage with you're third eye. All I ask for in return of you is-" "Sqwuee sqwuee sqwuee sqwuee's sqwuees'?" "Why yes the Miraculouses! How did you?" "He likes to watch the ladyblog with me sometimes or by himself. But those two precious jewels of you'res Hawkmoth? Piece of cake."

Then suddenly a black and purple goo started to slowly rise up onto Nathaniel and Sam and then slowly but surely they then became akumatized. Then as they did Nathaniel's face started to turn into a mahogany color and he started to grow two orange spikes on the left side of his head and three orange spikes on the right side of his head. He then also grew a fang and had purple and black marking on his right cheek and pink and black marking on his left cheek and a pink marking on his forehead in between his eyes one eye on his left was no longer there as a symbol of his pain and the other eye was orange with no iris to be seen. Then he had a third eye on his forehead that was purple and his clothes and hands looked different.

Samuel also changed having colored wings that were brown green and purple and green eyes and eyes on his wings and sharper claws on his wings and feet. The ones on his wings were yellow and the ones on his feet were pink and purple.

Parisians saw his transformation take place and gasped and started to run away. This made Anti-healer smirk and then jump into the air and swipe people with his now frozen Sam standing on his cane.

"Time to give Paris a plague they'll never forget." "Sqwuee sqwuee sqwuee sqwuee sqwuee sqwuee? (And a rain of sadness too?)" Sam asked. "Indeed my friend, indeed. Hyah!" He then jumped up into the air and then started poisoning people with his sea of sadness. 

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