Chapter Seven: Dear Mother Nova

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Chapter Seven: Dear Mother Nova


As the chase for the poor little kwami Plagg ensued Nathaniel Kurtzberg, son of Nova and Kaleb Kurtzberg, sat inside the trapped bubble he was enclosed in for the past three hours and he looked at his sketchpad, as it was a drawing of his mother.

"Mommy mommy can we go and play at the carousel?" "Hm hm hm. No Nathaniel...But! We can ride the carousel!" Nathaniel's mom said and scooped up the young Nathaniel Kurtzberg off of his feet and put him up on her shoulders. "Weee! Haha! Higher momma! Higher!" Nova nodded and then held him up and drove him around in the air like he was a airplane as he happily giggled and laughed whilst at the Place des Vosges.

"Goodnight Nathaniel." "Goodnight mommy." "I love you." Nova said as she tickled Nathaniel's belly. Nathaniel giggled. "I love you too mom. Now go to bed! Or else the scary bears are going to eat you! Rawr!" Nathaniel taunted as he held his hands up in the air, fingers shaped like claws. "Hehe. Not if they eat you FIRST! Now, go to bed and get some rest. Mwah." Nova said and kissed his forehead and then walked near the doorway and turned off the light.

"Mommy! Mommy! Mommy!" "Yes my little DiCaprio what is it?" "Mommy I ran out of paper for my drawings! And I really really need one before tomorrow. And daddy is too busy working tonight. Could you maybe get some for me tonight...Please?" "Hahaha. Alright DiCaprio fine but just for tonight. After you're done drawing you're absolute masterpiece its off to bed with you okay?" "Yes ma'am." "Alright now you go play with you're toys while I go out and get that oh so forsaken paper that the artist KING has requested his noble knight to fetch for him." Nathaniel and her both laughed while Nova put her coat on. "I'm heading out for a few honey you watch Nathaniel while I am gone okay?" "Yeah uh huh sure honey." Kaleb said as he was focused on reading the paperwork on his computer screen. Nova simply giggled and kissed his cheek and he kissed her's.

"That's my hard working man." "Bye my artistic young man!" Nova waved over to Nathaniel and smiled. "Hehe. Bye mommy!" Nathaniel smiled and waved to his mother before she left.

As Nova Kurtzberg walked out of the Magasin Sennelier she was humming to herself humpty dumpty sat on a wall. Whilst she was walking back home she waved by to several people, but it was late at night it was nine at night and it was very dark. She could feel her body start to sweat and tremble as she took each step as she walked.

"Gimme all you're money!!" "Wh-What??" A man in a black hoody and black pants and a anonymous man mask demanded as he held up a gun pointed up to Nova.

Nova started to shake and sweat much more intensely now. "N-No please I have a husband a-and son to get back home to I-" "I SAID GIVE ME ALL YOU'RE GODDAMN MONEY YOU GODDAMN SON OF A BITCH!!!" "NO!!!" Nova said and started to run away. Then "BANG!!"

Blood...Cold...Darkness...Everything is...going....numb....I'm so sorry my son...I'm sorry Kaleb...I'm sorry that I wasn't able to fulfill you're last dying quest Nathaniel...My sweet...Sweet...Nathan...

Then suddenly all of the breath of life that was left in Nova's cold, bleeding body, had left her. Her body bleeding out like a pouring fountain never ending until. "OH MY GOD! QUICK SOMEONE CALL AN AMBULANCE!" "What do we do? What do we do??" Everyone on the streets that heard the bang started to huddle around Nova's dead hollow, cold corpse. As they started to panic a man came forward and pushed everyone to the side. "Everyone please stand back. First let's see what condition this woman is in." He spoke and then everyone nodded nervously and then he crouched down and leaned his head in against Nova's chest, where her heart was, listened in closely.

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