Chapter Ten: Trust and the art fair

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Chapter Ten: Trust and the art fair

"So what do you guys think about my grape jam?" "Its great Kaleb. So how you feeling after being akumatized by the evil Hawkmoth?" Asked Michael. "Hahaha. Honestly pretty alright thanks." "Hey Kaleb can I talk to you for a second please? In private?" Spoke Cassandra. "Uh yea sure whats up Sandra?"

"I think you should talk to Nathaniel and rebuild some trust with him. Fix up the patches a bit more and strengthen them." "But Sandra you know I'm not good with patching up things or talking." "JUST TRY IT YA BIG DUMB DUMB!!" Cassandra said then pushed him over to Nathaniel.

"Hey there little DiCaprio you're father wants to talk to you for a little while so why don't you sit up and strike up a chat m'kay~?" "NO I DO NOT! SANDRA YOU KNOW I DON'T-!" "Uh sure okay aunt Sandra. But Auntie?" "Hmm? Yes sweetheart?" "Please, try not to fill up on those baguettes I know that they are tasty and you love them and all but I don't want you getting a stomach ache." Aunt Cassandra just stood there for a moment, blinked, then frowned angrily and swiped one off of the counter next to them then took a big bite out of it and growled. "STOMACH ACHES DO NOT EXIST TO ME!! RAWWWWR!" And then right after that she stormed off walking away angrily.

"Hey son...I would like to talk to you if you would give me the chance." "I'm listening." "I...I'm sorry that I didn't listen to you or trust you. I just...I'm scared...Like, deeply scared. I'm scared of losing you like I did you're mother." "Dad what would make you feel better if I went outside? I'm willing to try it." "Go out with some friends or family, please." Nathaniel hugged his father, then his father gave a look of surprise. "Promise I will dad." His dad then smiled at him and he smiled back. "You're mother would be so proud of you for being smart Nathaniel." "You mean of US dad. Because we have both learned and grown."

"Hey Nathanieeeeelllll~!" Aunt Cassandra and Michael chimed in. "Hm?" Nathaniel spoke. "I think you're little 'project' is finished~!" Michael hummed to him. "Wanna take a look?" He asked as he rested a hand on his shoulder. "Yea! No peeking for you though dad!" Nathaniel said while sticking his tongue out goofily and one eye closed as he waved his pointer finger back and forth in the air.

"Hey by the way Uncle Michael whatever happened to Aunt Rosie?" "Ah she's just a little sick today but she's fine. She says hello to all of you though." "Oh well tell her that I hope she gets better soon." "I will so...When does this art fair start again?" Michael asked him.

Nathaniel grabbed a sheet of paper off of the counter and looked at it. "It said 4:00pm but I'm getting a notification on my phone that it got moved to 7:00pm due to the akumatization attack, so we will have to wait for a while." "So what now until then?" Right then and there it was already 4:00pm. "MORE BAGUETTES! MORE BAGUETTES!" Chanted Aunt Cassandra. Then Nathaniel smiled, and started to chant along with her. "BAGUETTES! BAGUETTES! BAGUETTES!"

As they ate their baguettes the clock turned to 6:45pm. "Well guys I think I should start heading down there now. Meet you guys there?" Nathaniel asked then looked at his family. "Sure!" "Of course!" Nathaniel smiled then walked up over to his father and looked at him. "See you there dad?" "Of course son." He said then hugged Nathaniel with a smile on his face. Then suddenly there was a knock on the door and Nathaniel walked up to it and opened it. "Hey Rose! Hey Juleka! Where's Ivan?" "He said that he will meet us there." Rose said, cheerfully.

"These you're friends Nathaniel?" Asked Cassandra. "Yep Juleka and Rose auntie. Guys meet my aunt Cassandra Aunt Cassandra Juleka and Rose." "Well bye dad Auntie, Uncle see you guys at the fair!" Then Nathaniel, Juleka and Rose left and walked up to the art fair.

"You gonna be okay Kaleb?" "Yea just as long as Nathaniel is okay and with his friends, heh, I should be fine." Kaleb said then smiled and looked at Cassandra and Michael with a smile, tears coming out of his eyes.

"Ladies and gentlemen it is my honor to announce that we will now be starting the art fair and showing off all of our contestant's artwork! So please on the count of three contestants take you're curtains off of you're pieces and then everyone can walk around and take a look around." "You ready for this Nathaniel?" Asked Ivan. Nathaniel then took a deep breath in, then took a deep breath out. "Yes! Ready guys?" "Ready!" They all said and put their hands in into a circle. "On three." "Ready? Three...Two..."

"ONE! GO GO GO!" "HYAH!" They all yelled then threw their hands up into the air and then Nathaniel pulled the cover up off of his artwork. "There. All ready to be shown off in its light and glory."

Then fifteen minutes later Aunt Cassandra, Uncle Michael and Kaleb showed up and gave Nathaniel a hug. "Guys! I'm so happy you could make it!" "Wouldn't miss it for the world Nathan." Michael laughed and hugged him. "By the way guys this is my Uncle Michael, he's not my real Uncle but we treat him and Aunt Rosie, his wife like family anyway. And this is my dad, Kaleb Kurtzberg. We met Uncle Michael because he was the one who alerted us of my mother's death." "Oh okay. Well its very nice to meet you Mr. Kurtzberg, Michael. I'm Rose." "Juleka." "Ivan." They all introduced themselves. "Well its very nice to meet you all." Said Michael with a smile. "Same goes for me. Its a pleasure to know the people that are watching after my little Nathaniel whenever I'm not around." "Daaaad." Nathaniel groaned. "What? I'm just speaking the truth. Scared I'll leak any of you're secrets red shot? Hehehe." "Hm hm hm." The girls laughed and Ivan snorted. "Ugh whatever. Anyway you guys wanna see my art piece now?" "Yes please!" Said Kaleb and Cassandra nodded. "Uh huh." "Come on lets see the finished product now huh?" Said Michael.

Nathaniel nodded then stepped aside away from the art piece to reveal a hand-drawn picture of a white lily above a heart and above the lily was Nova's face and then the background was a green open grass field.

"Nathaniel this is...Beautiful." Cassandra said. "You're mother would have loved it." "Nathaniel." "Yes dad?" "I am very proud of you." "Thanks dad."

"Hey Nathaniel! Awesome drawing!" Marinette said as she walked by. "Oh! Um, thanks M-Marinette." Marinette then waved at him and smiled, then walked off. "Well, later Nathaniel." "L-Later Marinette."

"Ugh...Why can't I just talk to her while being chill?" "Don't worry son, you'll get there someday." Kaleb said, then gently patted his shoulder and smiled at him. 

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now