Chapter Seventeen: Its you!

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Chapter Seventeen: Its you!

Then as Marinette thought about Chat Noir she realized that he acted a lot like Adrien whenever he got defensive he was confident and head straight forward with his actions and she then realized how Adrien would look at Ladybug sometimes. She then realized that 'What if? Adrien is Chat Noir!'

'The way that Marinette stutters around Adrien or well, me and Ladybug does the same thing around me whenever she sees me. And when Ladybug is around Chat Noir...Especially when Marinette acts around me she not only acts like Ladybug but also like...Like she's...'

'In love with me...' They both thought to themselves in their heads. \

'So...does that mean...'

"Its you!" They then both yelled at each other as Adrien walked out of the school building and Marinette out of the alleyway.

Marinette gasped as she stared at him and Adrien stared back. "Wha-What do you mean by that??!" They both asked each other before blushing again and nervously rubbing the back of their heads.

"Ch...Chat Noir...You're Chat Noir...Aren't you Adrien?" "C-Chat Noir??!!...I...I ....I sigh....yes I am but how did you figure that out...M'lady?" "H-Hey we weren't supposed to know!!" "Yet you know bugaboo! Besides its just the two of us that know. Its better then one of us being a stranger." "I t-t-told you not to call me that Chat!" "Oh come on bugaboo you know you like it~."

"Chat...Why didn't you tell me...Who you really were, or heck that you were in love with me for that matter?? If I had known sooner things could be so much better off." "I was sure that you would reject me...M'lady you're so much cooler then I am. And I know that I can trust you its just that sometimes I can tend to get...Uncertain." Marinette then started to look at him sad and then ran away.

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now