Chapter Eleven: You're fault

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Chapter Eleven: You're fault 

"Clap clap! Alriiiight class. Time to take you're seats and get you're text books out." Said Miss Bustier as everyone walked into the classroom. When Nathaniel sat down he saw Marinette walk in. Then he hid himself behind his book, blushing and smiled. 'Huh. Marinette..' He thought to himself.

"Well well well. Would you look at THAT Sabrina. Its son of the Turtle. Its Little Mr. Nightmare its son of Turtle Terrorizer. Ahahahahahahaha." "W-Who? Me?" "Ugh yes you! Helloooo who else would I be talking about here?? An actual turtle? Anyway Nathaniel, why did he get angry and oh so scarily akumatized?" "Well that day was my mother's 8 year death anniversary. And the day of the art fair. Like you would even care Chloe." Chloe just looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a smirk.

"And what happened BEFORE she died?" "I asked her to go to the store and buy more paper." "What? Why?" "I don't have to tell YOU Chloe." Nathaniel just simply mumbled under his breath. "Fine then I'll just call my daddy the mayor." "No! No! Wait! I, I asked her to get paper so I could make a drawing for her for her birthday which was the next day." "Then what happened?" Chloe said, as her smirk on her face simply grew wider and Nathaniel's angry frown deepened. "We said our goodbyes, she left, went to the store and then...she...she..." "Chloe! Stop! Can't you see you're hurting him??!" Adrien yelled at her. "SHE GOT SHOT OKAY??!!" Nathaniel then yelled at her.

"So if it was you that made her go out late at night and had you're own father there to watch you and have you're mother go out by herself, then its you're fault. Plain and simple as that. Right Sabrina?" "Hmph." Sabrina said and nodded. Then Nathaniel started to break out into tears, then ran out of the class then into the boy's bathroom. "Chloe!" Miss Bustier spoke. "Hm?" "To the Principal's office! NOW!" Miss Bustier yelled.

"Fiiine. Whatever. Come on Sabrina, lets go-" "No." "Excuse me?" "No Sabrina stays here. In FACT Sabrina I'm going to be going to check on Nathaniel you guide the class as I'm gone. The papers should be on my desk." "Ugh fine! Whatever. Bye losers, bye Sabrina. Oh and by Grim Reaper." Chloe said, that last part to the now gone Nathaniel. Then she left and went into the Principal's office. Miss Bustier sighed then looked at her class and said "I will be back in a little bit class. Just please all remember to listen to Sabrina. Goodbye." "Yes Miss Bustier." The class spoke.

"Nathaniel? Are you in there?" "Leave me alone! Please! I already feel horrible enough as it is." "Nathaniel...What can I do for you to make you feel better?" Nathaniel then walked up to the door, opened it and sniffled. "I just wanna go home for today...Please Miss Bustier." "Alright. Just let me talk to the Principal about it first okay?" "Sniff...Okay...Thank you Miss Bustier." Nathaniel said, smiled, then hugged her. Miss Bustier smiled back and hugged him back.

Then after history class everyone started to pack up their things and got ready for chemistry class. As they did they could see Miss Bustier talking to Nathaniel then Nathaniel waving goodbye to her and leaving. "Miss Bustier?" "Hm? Yes Marinette?" "Why is Nathaniel leaving?" "He just wasn't feeling well emotionally Marinette so he's just taking this day off." "I hope he will be alright at least." Marinette said and sighed. Miss Bustier sighed as well. "Me too Marinette. Oh and Sabrina?" "Y-Yes Miss Bustier?" "Good job today in there." Miss Bustier said, gave her a thumbs up symbol and smiled. "O-Oh. T-Thank you Miss Bustier. I hope to get to do it again someday. It was fun."

Marinette looked out the school building before moving onto chemistry class, hoping that Nathaniel was okay then sighed and moved on with her classes.

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