Chapter Sixteen: Found

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Chapter Sixteen: Found

Then suddenly Marinette walked over to the Place des Vosges and looked around then started to whisper "Tikki? Tikki!" Marinette waited for a while then stopped and then sighed. 'I'm never gonna find you am I tikki?' She thought to herself in her head. She then sat down on a bench and held her head in her hands. Then suddenly Tikki saw her and quickly flew down over to her and landed onto her head. "Ow. What kind of nut is that?" "Yoo hoo! Marinette!" "Hey wait a second...I know that voice! Tikki!" Marinette exclaimed and then saw her put her face in front of Marinette's. "Oh Tikki I was so worried! Where were you this whole time??" "With Chat Noir." "Chat Noir? Seriously? So wait even when I was talking with him you were-" "Mhmm. I was in his pocket. He told me to stay with him so that no strangers, Hawkmoth or villains could get me." "Did he take good care of you and his kwami?" "Mhmm very good actually. Except whenever it came to food it was either fancy stuff which that part I'm not complaining or smelly old camembert which that part I found to be slightly strange."

"Sounds like Chloe or something. Tikki I am so glad you are okay though really I am. Did you say thank you to Chat Noir for taking good care of you?" "No I forgot to but can you please tell him when we transform?" "Sure Tikki. Speaking of which let's go hide." Marinette smiled, hid Tikki in her purse then ran to the same alleyway as before looked up and could see Chat Noir hopping on rooftops. 'Hehehe. Thanks kitty.' "Tikki! Spots on!" Then Marinette got transformed into Ladybug. Then she swung her yoyo up into the air and onto one of the edges of the buildings and pulled herself up then quickly but quietly stalked Chat Noir.

Then she tapped on his back and looked at him with a sly smirk saying, "Looking for someone tomcat?" "Gasp. M'lady!" Chat Noir gasped in surprise and then hugged her and buried his head into her shoulder. While he was taking care of Tikki he secretly was extremely worried about her and he still was even after he let Tikki free. He then started to cry. "Me, Plagg, Tikki we were all so worried about you!" "Plagg? Oh right you're kwami. Well its okay Kitty I'm here now I'm here and I'm fine. Oh also Tikki and I say thank you for taking care of her. " Ladybug said then softly smiled and gently rubbed his back. "Good. Sniff I'm glad. Now did you manage to get any information on the villain?" "No unfortunately except. He's more powerful when his bat friend is with him on his cane." "Right which means we have to seperate them."

"Yeah that is if you CAN YOU DOLTS! PLAGUE POISON!" "GAH! LADYBUG LOOK OUT!" Chat Noir yelled pushed her out of the way along with himself and held onto her as Anti-Healer tried to strike them down with a bullet of plague poison but instead it hit the nearest building. "Grrr! Get back here you idiots!" Growled Anti-healer. Then suddenly Ladybug brought herself back up then looked at Chat Noir. Chat Noir looked back then smirked and then Ladybug groaned and moved his face to make it that he was facing the villains Anti-healer and Imp-raiser. Anti-Healer then started shooting people with rays of plague poison.

Then he fell himself to the ground ran right up to them and then they both quickly stood up and then he swung his cane at Chat Noir again, but before he could do so Ladybug threw her yoyo at it and then grabbed it. Then suddenly Imp-Raiser turned from stone into an alive and breathing villain. "SCREECH SCREECH!" Then suddenly Imp-raiser tried to bite Ladybug and then she tilted her back down and same with her head as he lunged forward and then she instead tried to grab him with his yoyo and then he dodged and lunged in trying to grab her earrings but as that happened instead of him getting away with grabbing them Chat Noir swung his baton over there and pushed him away harshly enough that he stumbled in the air and eventually stopped flying in the air.

"Sqwuee sqwuee." "Quickly you're lucky charm!" Then suddenly she received a "Metal box?" "What are you gonna do with that? Play a mind game on them?" "Its a distiller charm Chat! Hyah! To fight them off for now while we leave to go and think! Now quick that building!" Ladybug said as she pointed at the building. Then suddenly as Imp-raiser was on the ground Ladybug then quickly put the big metal box around him with holes that were on it of course. Then suddenly Chat Noir ran up to a building and then, "CATACLYSM! HYAH!" Then he ran across the side of the building and dragged his hand and cataclysm across it, breaking the building and then it suddenly fell down on top of Anti-Healer. "Blink blink blink." Went off both of their miraculouses.

"Quick you're ring!" "You're earrings!" "Go hide and feed Plagg Chat! Quick!" "Right!" Chat Noir nodded. Ladybug ran off over on the buildings and then hid into the same alleyway as before. "Spots off Tikki." Spoke Marinette as she de-transformed. "Whew that villain sure is strong." "Yeah no kidding. I just hope that Chat Noir will be okay." "Don't worry, he should be fine." Tikki said then smiled at Marinette.

Then suddenly as Chat Noir was jumping he saw Ladybug jump down into the same alleyway as Marinette was hiding in during the attack of Turtle Terrorizer. 'That's where Marinette was hiding last time and acting suspicious. She might be Ladybug. But what if she is? Lets look at the facts one more time.' Then suddenly it clicked to him. Then he ran off and de-transformed in the boy's bathroom at his school. 

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now