Chapter Four: The Hunt for the Tortoise Part 2

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Chapter Four: The Hunt for the Tortoise Part 2

"Ladybug where are we going??" Chat Noir said as he hopped along after his insect partner. "I know where he might be! To the turtle's den! The bed where the monster hides you could say~." Ladybug said as she glanced over at Chat Noir with a smirk. "Was that a PUN I just heard you YELP out?" Chat Noir looked back at her returning another smirk back.

Then, suddenly, Ladybug ceased at a halt.

"What is it? What's wrong bugaboo?" "We're not alone." "Hm hm hm hm hm~. Quite correct you are ladybug and very conscientious. You DOLTS have fallen riiight into my little trap." Chat Noir got into a battle pose immediately as Turtle Terrorizer started speaking, he did not have his baton since it got trapped in the bubble but he still had his fists to fight. Ladybug stood there slightly shaking a little bit almost about to cry. "Y-You won't get away with this! I-I know you can hear me Hawkmoth!" "Won't I now? Terrorizer~?" "Hmph." Turtle Terrorizer said with a smug grin on his face and snapped his fingers and tugged on this piece of string that was tied to his index finger. Then suddenly a whole bunch of strings flew up high into the air that were laced with turtle venom and then the strings grabbed Ladybug's arms and leg's and same with Chat Noir's limbs. "Now Ladybug which one is it that's trapped and which one isn't? Oh that's right, its me." Asked Hawkmoth before pointing out the state that they were already both trapped in.

"Turtle Terrorizer take Ladybug's earrings, then Chat Noir's ring and you can get to protect you're son for the rest of you're life and leave everyone else in utter terror." Spoke Hawkmoth to Turtle Terrorizer through his telepathy channeling. "Yes Hawkmoth. It will be a snapping joy to me." "Really? Snapping joy? Couldn't come up with anything better then that lame response of a pun?" Chat Noir said in a cocky tone with a smile on his face as he tilted his head to the side while looking at him. "Wanna be first pussy cat?" Turtle Terrorizer then glared at him. Chat Noir gulped and shook his head. "Good then be quiet and keep you're kitty trap shut. Now then bugga SNOT! How about we get things over with and wrap things up quick eh? And peel off that pitiful mask and see who really hides under those sheets."

Turtle Terrorizer said as he walked closer and closer to her and held his arms out and then suddenly Chat Noir noticed that these curtains were gonna be closed shut if he didn't DO ANYTHING about it soon or else Ladybug was gonna be exposed and so was he. So he put his hand on the string and touched the turtle venom knowing the consequences of what would happen anyway and yelled, "CATACLYSM!" and cataclysmed the string that was coiled around his limbs and Ladybug's limbs then she was free. Then quickly she leaped up into the air spun around into a circle then when she got closer down to the ground she kicked Turtle Terrorizer right in the nose. 'She truly is miraculous' Chat Noir thought to himself as he watched her. "AH! Dang it Ladybug! Grr!" "CHAT NOIR! NOW! QUICKLY! FIND OUT WHERE HIS AKUMA IS!" Yelled Ladybug as she then fell on her feet back onto the ground and spun her yoyo around in a circle as she walked closer and closer to the villain with Chat Noir already running over to him and grabbing him by his first pair of arms that were closer to his legs. "Got him Ladybug! Now lets see you horrible bed ridden bed dweller where is that akuma of you'res hiding?"

"Really? Bed ridden bed dweller?" Scoffed Ladybug. "Thats the best you could come up with??" Ladybug exclaimed. "I'd like to hear you come up with any other bright ideas or remarks because believe me m'lady I am aaaall ears! And whiskers. Rawr." "Ugh." Ladybug said as she looked away, with a annoyed look on her face and placed her hand on her forehead. "Just whatever! Hurry up and find the akumatized object already!" "I'm trying I'm trying I just don't know where it is! Maybe this hat thing?" Chat Noir muttered to himself as he looked around on the villain's body combing through every inch of him that he could find as he squirmed around, trying to break look. Chat Noir then tugged on the supposed 'hat' and tugged on it. It did not come off. "Grrr. ENOUGH! I AM NOW ENRAGED AND YOU SEE THESE BUILDINGS ALL AROUND YOU TWO??! WELL GUESS WHAT BABY! THEY ARE ALL ABOUT TO GO CRASHING DOWN SOON! jUST YOU WAIT!" Turtle Terrorizer then grabbed Chat Noir's wrist and threw him into a wall of one of the buildings. "WAAAAHHH!" Chat Noir yelled before Ladybug saved him with her amazing magical miraculous fantastic yoyo! "Wait Terrorizer." Spoke Hawkmoth. "Hmm? What is it Hawkmoth?" "Take Chat Noir with you. Now." "What?? But why Hawkmoth? He's just a useless puny little kitten!"

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