Chapter Nine: Apologies

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Chapter Nine: Apologies

"Hey dad..." "Hey son...Look I...I." "Dad I'm sorry!" "What?? No! Son I'M sorry! I should have listened to you I should have let you go out...I just I overreacted...Besides its that day and...Sigh...I just don't know how to handle it...I'm sorry..." Nathaniel smiled and hugged him. It was a day past Nova's eight year death anniversary. "Its alright dad, we will get through this together. Besides I was actually hoping that you would ATTEND the art fair because I have something to show you there."

Then suddenly a knock at the door was heard. Kaleb walked up to the door and opened it. "Uncle Michael!" Nathaniel gasped and ran up to the door and then hugged him. "Hey sport! How's it going?" "Pretty good how about you dumb dumb?" Nathaniel said and winked at Uncle Michael. "Nathaniel!" Kaleb scolded. "Nah nah Kaleb don't worry its alright. After all this DOOFUS here is just playin' around right you're majesty?" "Hehe. Yea Uncle Dumb Dumb. Wanna draw with me? It would be nice to get some help with the coloring!" "Sure! Why not you're highness?" Michael said and chuckled.

"So you remember what I drew at...Her funeral, right?" "Yea? What about it Nathan?" "Please call me DiCaprio." Nathaniel smirked and said that smugly as he adjusted his coat as they both laid there on the floor. Michael just chuckled and then rested a hand on Nathaniel's shoulder and then looked at him with a look of slight concern. "Yea? You okay about that champ?" "Yea Uncle Michael I'm fine. Its a little bit difficult but hey, I move on. Just knowing that she is okay now up in heaven is just enough for me. Just wanted to tell you that I am making a memorial drawing of her as a gift to the family just don't know what to add to it." "How about you're mother's face? It would be perfect for the lily." "Hey thats a great idea! And make it in a green grass field?" "Yea! Yea totally!" "Thanks Uncle Michael." Nathaniel said then hugged his uncle and his uncle hugged him back and smiled. "No problem kid. So how's school going anyway? Got any lady friends going on?"

"Well there is this one girl...Her name is-" "Baguettes with grape jam! Who wants some?" Then suddenly the door burst open only to reveal aunt Cassandra. "DID I HEAR BAGUETTES??!!"

"Heh. Salty." Michael said then snorted. 

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now