Chapter Six: The trap of two Part 1

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Chapter Six: The trap of two Part 1

"Now listen I won't ask you again. Who. Is. CHAT NOIR??!" "Pfffbt!" Plagg said as a response as he stuck his tongue out stubbornly. "Why you LITTLE-!" "Patience now turtle you can get you're revenge on this small little kwami. After I receive my little jewels. Until then get me those idiotic dolts and bring them to me!" "Alright Hawkmoth." Turtle Terrorizer smirked and then walked past the people that were trapped in the web like den laced with Terror and Turtle venom. "Nadja Chamack." Spoke Turtle Terrorizer. "Y-Yes?" "Come with me! We have some broadcasting to do. Hehehehehehe."

"So that will go there and then this will go there. What about you Marinette? Where will you be?" "Uhhh I think I'll stay behind. I'm too scared." "Uh. That's okay Marinette I understand. This villain is tough but us Parisians are tougher. But if you're too afraid thats okay. We understand that. Right guys?" "Mhm." "Yeah." "Totally." "Thanks you guys. You're all such great friends that I could have never imagined having." "Guys look!" Kim shouted as he pointed to their projector screen in their classroom.

"Gooood evening Parisians, that are left of course! It is you're one and only all-powerful
master Turtle Terrorizer! On today's special news channel we have for our beloved heroics Ladybug and Chat Noir a little game for them to play. Now you see this little blue string here?" Turtle Terrorizer said as he tugged on a string that was blue ever so slightly. "Nadja." Nadja gulped, whilst sweating and nodded. "R-Roll the clip guys." Then suddenly the camera switched from the studio to the Place des Vosges and then when it showed the Place des Vosges at first sight it looked completely normal but there were tons of people there, cowering in fear. Then suddenly the Place des Vosges shined in yellow and orange. "You see that lacing? That lacing is gallons and gallons of turtle venom and terror venom laced on thousands of miles of threaded yarn. If you don't seize you're miraculouses to me in the next ten minutes these people." He then lightly tugged on the string which made the whole net around the people close in slightly. "Will either become enclosed in a bubble or will have terror surrounding them for the rest of their days. Its you're choice to make Ladybug. Make the wise choice and come by soon."

"Gasp." "Guys wait now is our time to put our plan into action." Alya spoke. "Right!" Everyone else said and then Alya put her hand down and then everyone put their hands in. "Team aquestria save put into action in three two one! Go team aquestria!" "Go team aquestria!" They all then threw their hands up into the air and then ran out of the building. "Hey Marinette?" "Yeah Alya?" "Stay safe okay?" Alya said as she looked at her with concern then Marinette nodded. "Promise Alya." Alya then smiled, nodded and then ran off.

Marinette smiled then ran off into the girl's bathroom then opened her bag to let Tikki fly out. "Tikki spots on! Hyah!" Then Tikki got sucked into the Miraculous and Marinette's earrings started to flash and then Marinette got transformed into Ladybug." "Now to go find that kitty cat! I just hope he's okay. Hyah!"

Meanwhile, at the studio Plagg was still trying to get out of the bubble and then he gave up and gave into his fears. Then he started to think about what Turtle Terrorizer would do to Tikki and Adrien and Ladybug if they got captured. 'Tikki...I gotta get out of here. I must. I can do it. Thats what Tikki would say. I can do it I can do it I can do it.' 'I can do it I can do it I can do it.' 'I can do it I can do it I can do it!!' Then suddenly after Plagg pushed hard enough on the bubble it then burst open. "Hahaha yea! Wait a second I'm free. I'm free! I'm coming Aaa-Amazing Miraculous holder of mine!" Then suddenly Plagg quickly snuck out and then flew away.

"Turtle you let him get away! Stop him before he gets far!" "Grr! Get back here you stupid kwami!" Turtle Terrorizer said as he jumped and chased after him. "Pfffbt!" Plagg said in response sticking his tongue out at him and then started to book it.

"Plagg?? Plagg??" Adrien whispered softly as he combed around the last street he was at." "Waaaahhhh!!" "GET BACK HERE YOU PUNY LITTLE BRAT KWAMI!!!" "BOOM! BOOM!" "Plagg!" Adrien said then ran near a alleyway and watched as the villain chased down his poor kwami, throwing attacks of terror venom balls at him and turtle venom. Then suddenly Adrien got a idea and then ran over to a pile of garbage that mostly consisted up of carboard boxes put them on and then ran over to Alya and tapped her shoulder.

"Excuse me miss." "Hmm? Oh my gosh bwahaha! Is this some kind of new superhero prank? Because if it is its not the time." "Ugh. Civilian its me Chat Noir." "Yea sure and I'm some kind of bee superhero too called Ms. Stingsalot! But seriously what is this about?" "Well look some...issues popped up when I was fighting with the villain and now I can't properly use my powers. So, I need you're help. You see that pile of hooks and ropes?" "Oh heck yeah! Boys, girls, we have some work to do!" Alya said and looked at her classmates with a smirk.

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now