Chapter Twenty: One last pound it

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Chapter Twenty: One last pound it

"I think we did a pretty good job today don't you kitty?" "Yea I do too! Even though I don't remember half of what happened." "Hehehe. Don't worry about it I can always tell you later. Later kitty! Or sooner then you think." Ladybug said and winked at Chat Noir before throwing her yoyo at another building in the air and bugging out.

Then suddenly after Marinette de-transformed she then walked up over to class and then walked in.

Eventually after a couple hours of school, school was done for the day, then Marinette saw Adrien and Adrien saw her. They looked at each other in disbelief for a few seconds, then they both smiled and started laughing.

"Hey Adrien?" "Yes Marinette?" "Remember the last time this happened?" "Oh yea! On my first day! Yep. I do, why?" "No reason." Marinette smiled at him then held up her umbrella. "Oh wait! Now I remember! Because that's how I fell in love with you...Hehe. And that this is you'res." Marinette said and tried handing him the umbrella only to accidentally drop it instead. "Marinette?" "Y-Yes Adrien?" "I love you too." Adrien said then leaned in and kissed Marinette while gently holding her.

Marinette blushed then gently closed her eyes and slowly kissed back. The feeling was so calming and filled with content that was unimaginable. Then they slowly stopped and both pulled away. They then both looked into each other's eyes for a few seconds, blinked then simply giggled. "Oh and...Marinette?" "Yes?" "You can keep the umbrella. Consider it as a gift from me." "Oh okay. Hehe. Thanks Adrien." "Hehe you're welcome. Well see you around Marinette."

"Bye Adrien." Marinette said and waved goodbye to him as he walked off and smiled in a silly manner.

Then as Marinette reached the door to her parent's bakery she started to close up the umbrella. As she did so suddenly, she saw a note fly out of it and it slowly started to try and fly down to the ground where Marinette couldn't quickly reach it, but then suddenly Tikki popped out of the bag and caught it. "Got it! Hehe." "Phew. Thanks Tikki. I wonder what it says." "Well go ahead Marinette. Open it up and read it." "Hm. Right."

Marinette then opened up the little folded piece of paper and then read it. "Meet me at the Eiffel tower. I would like to see you." Signed with a paw print. "Who is it from?" "I think I have a feeling Tikki." "Marinette come inside! You'll catch a fever if you stay out there!" Yelled Mrs. Dupain-Cheng from inside. "Coming mom! Hide Tikki." Said Marinette, the last part she whispered to her kwami.

A couple of hours had passed, probably about two as Chat Noir waited and waited for his Lady to show up and he continued to hum a little song to himself. "Miraculouuuuuus. Miraculous!"

"Awww you're singing without me already kitty? What a shame! I was hoping that we would be the perfect duet." "Hello to you too bugaboo." Chat Noir gently grabbed Ladybug's hand and kissed it. "Hey now we're not out of the woods of you and you're flirtatious charms just yet Chat Noir I'll accept them but that doesn't mean I won't still find them ridiculous and silly." "Well now, knowing that you at least accept them just makes me purr. Because that goes to show that you accept me. And that and you're friendship is all I could ever ask for."

"Oh kitty thats so kind of you." Ladybug said softly and smiled at him. "What do you wanna do now Chat?" "I was thinking that we could go to the Tom and Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie and get something to eat? For starters at least anyway." "Sure but who's paying?" "Lets just say I got some money from Adrien that he 'borrowed' from his father."

"ADRIEN WHERE THE HECK IS MY FANCY HAT??!!" Yelled Gabriel Agreste as he walked around in the house storming around, the last time he heard from Adrien though he said he was gonna take a nap.

As he was raging indoors a random guy walked by wearing a fancy navy blue baseball hat that had a stitching on it that said "Emily Agreste" on it. Gabriel then noticed this through the window and then ran outside and started chasing after him. "HEY! GIVE THAT BACK THAT'S MY PROPERTY!" "AAAAHHH!" The other guy yelled and started to run away.

"Pffft. Chat Noir seriously? What did you and Adrien do??" "Just got some money from Adrien but if you wanna know the full story I can always tell you later. Now come on! Let's go get some cookies!" "Hehehe okay!"

"And that's when Plagg started eating all of my stuff, well TRYING to anyway." "Hahaha! Did he really?" "Yes! It was ridiculous!" "Ah ahahahahaha. This has been nice Chat really it has. I don't really understand though why we didn't do this more often even BEFORE we knew who we really were." "Probably because of the whole, "we're superheroes and that comes first" thing? Which is fine I mean I don't mind heck I can agree with you on that but at least every ONCE in a while would have been nice. At least I think so anyway." "Yea right. Sorry about that Chat Noir." "Its alright don't sweat it bugaboo." Chat Noir said and then stood up with Ladybug as they sat on top of a building near the Eiffel tower.

"Pound it Chat Noir?" Chat Noir looked at her open fist then up at her and smiled. "Always."

"Pound it!"

The end. 

Identities: Its you! A Miraculous Ladybug FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now