Chapter Five: The hunt for the Tortoise Part 3

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Chapter Five: The hunt for the Tortoise Part 3

"Hyah! Please can't we just stop fighting?? We can fix this! Just tell me what happened then hand forward you're akuma and we can be done with all of this fighting!" Ladybug yelled out as she jumped away from a attempted punch at her that was thrown by, you guessed it none other then Turtle Two-timing dumb dumb! "Grrf! No! I don't trust you! I can never trust anyone ever again! That factor has been blatently proven to me in one way or another.." Turtle Terrorizer said angrily, the last part a little bit mysteriously before then lunging another attack at Ladybug. "But that doesn't mean you will be able to stop me Ladybug!"

"Let's just see about that! Lucky Chaaaarm! Hyah!" The wonderful, magical music played as Ladybug threw her magical yoyo up into the air. It sparkled and glimmered up in the air only to fall back in return with. "A rubber ducky? What am I supposed to do with this?" "Oh so you want to go for a swim Ladybug hmm? My thoughts EXACTLY! HYAH!" Turtle Terrorizer yelled as she held the rubber ducky in her hand. Then suddenly she saw a pack of dogs near the streets as they were both fighting in the air. Ladybug gasped and then got an idea. "You wanna play dirty too huh Terrorizer?? I know just the pal for you to PLAY WITH!" HYAH!" Ladybug said then jumped down from on the buildings and into the streets.

Turtle Terrorizer smirked and followed along down with her. Then suddenly ladybug squeaked the rubber ducky held it high up in the air and yelled. "Yoohoo! Little puppy paaaals! Wanna play? Because I know a master who would absolutely love to have at it with you!" "Bark! Bark bark bark!" "Go fetch!" Ladybug yelled then threw the squeaky rubber ducky into Turtle Terrorizer's hands. Then he looked at the ducky and then at the running rampid dogs then gulped. "Oh crud. AHHHH!" "BARK BARK BARK BARK!" The dogs then jumped onto Turtle Terrorizer and wagged their tails and licked his face all over. He grunted and attempted to shove them all off. "GET OFF OF ME YOU LAZY MUTTS!!"

"Come on Adrien this way I think I see a library!" Plagg exclaimed to his miraculous holder and then held Adrien's hand and brought him over to a building. Then suddenly the ground started to shake and then on the road, there was a ripple that formed and struck very close near to Plagg and Adrien and the debree from it almost hit them. Then suddenly. "Ooooh Lady SPLAT! Where are you?" The last sentence could be heard in a very deep and deadly manner of the way it was spoken. "Adrien SOMETHING'S COMING OUR WAY!! WE GOTTA HIDE!!" "Don't tell me its those killer monkeys again Plagg!" Adrien said about to cry. "No its not those fearhead."

Then suddenly they could both hear a loud thump, then another thump, then another. Slowly but definitely surely something was coming. And it was coming THEIR. WAY.

"Oh Laaadyyybuuuuuug~ Where did you go?" Spoke Turtle Terrorizer and then suddenly Turtle Terrorizer looked around and then Plagg pushed Adrien away from him and then tried to fly away but suddenly. "Aaah!!" Plagg yelled, as he got grabbed by his tail trying to escape. "My my my whats this? A bug of some sort?" Turtle Terrorizer said as he looked at Plagg meticulously. "Turtle Terrorizer! That's no 'bug' thats Chat Noir's kwami! Quickly trap him! Before he gets away!" Exclaimed Hawkmoth excitedly, but yet slightly frantically. Turtle Terrorizer nodded then trapped him in a turtle venom bubble. "Hey lemme go! Curse you you dumb turtle!" "Hehe such a fiesty little, uhh, what was that thing you said again Hawkmoth?" "Kwami. He is a kwami." "Yea a kwami that will kick you're butt! Catacly-"

"Now Turtle!" "Heh." Turtle Terrorizer said then smirked and snapped his fingers and then the bubble disappeared he grabbed a stone off of the ground and placed it near where the little kwami was about to destroy the bubble. "-sm?" Then it destroyed the little said pebble and then Plagg looked around confused and then Turtle Terrorizer trapped him again back into another bubble. "Now that he has used up most of his energy from both the fight and now this now it will be harder for him to use his Cataclysm. Excellent work Terrorizer." Hawkmoth exclaimed.

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