Chapter Nineteen: The defeat of Anti-healer and Imp-raiser

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Chapter Nineteen: The defeat of Anti-healer and Imp-raiser

"Ohhh you need to see a doctooooor~! Ooooohhhhhhhhh you need to see a doctooooooor~! Well all we have here is the opposite! We have chainsaws, and berets and filthy loving smelly bouquets! And puffy wuffy clouds that are as deceiving as a monkey with a wrench. Because I betcha this he doesn't have it to fix yer car!" Anti-healer sung as he spun his cane around and zapped people with rays of plague poison and copycat poison with his cane.

"Hmm hmm hmm hmmm hmmmmm~. Heheheheheeheheheehehe. Ah there's dread and death in the air raining rabid squirrels and spiders. Its such lovely conditions to break a leg. And I mean that, very literally."

"Oh I just do hope that its not gonna be mine. After all I do have a running competition to get to tomorrow. Meow."

"Ladybug!" Anti-healer and Hawkmoth both yelled. "SCease their miraculous! Now Anti-healer!" Demanded Hawkmoth then suddenly Anti-healer got into a standing stance and then swung his cane to his right and started running forth to Ladybug. Ladybug simply smirked and then snapped her fingers. "NOW CHAT NOIR! ACTIVATE IMP-RAISER!" Then suddenly Anti-healer was trapped in a big net from Ladybug's yoyo. He squirmed wriggled, and writhed to try and get out but each time he did Ladybug just made the net tighter. Then suddenly Imp-raiser's eye's flashed from black to green and then he started to fly up off of the cane and into the air. "Yoo hoo little draculaaa~ Over heeeereeee~!" Chat Noir yelled as he prowled away from the net and Anti-healer was and then lured Imp-raiser away from Anti-healer. As he did so Imp-raiser tried multiple times to take some of Chat Noir's blood for dna with his copy cat poison but to no avail.

Then suddenly Ladybug accidentally fell over accidentally dropping her yoyo and then suddenly Anti-healer was set free. Then Anti-healer quickly called Imp-raiser over then Imp-raiser flew over to him and perched himself onto his cane. "I want to make you especially pay....Hmmm maybe not in plague or copy cat but maybe BLIND RAGE!!" Then suddenly as Anti-healer grabbed Chat Noir by his face he then moved his two little antenna-arm like limbs away from his third eye and then he made him look into the eye and then suddenly Chat Noir was slowly but surely getting hypnotized.

"GRRRR! LADYBUG!!" "W-WHA??! CHAT NOIR PLEASE SNAP OUT OF IT!" "HAHAAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA! ITS TOO LATE LADYBUG! HE'S ALREADY LONG GONE NOW AND SOON! YOU WILL BE TOO!" "We'll see about that Anti-healer! Lucky chaaaaaarm!" Ladybug yelled as she activated her lucky charm and threw her yoyo up into the air. Then suddenly she received a AED. "So confusing this time around." Ladybug then looked around and saw a ball of string in a yarn shop, grabbed it and then jumped away and then reached the eiffel tower and then placed the AED in the center of the entrace to the below part of the tower and made a rig with the string that came right before the AED was in place. Then she started to wait for Anti-healer and the enraged Chat Noir.

Then suddenly they both showed up. "Yoo-hooooo! Here boys! Come and get iiiiiit!" Ladybug said in a silly voice as she waved at them, on the other side of the AED where they could still see her though. Then suddenly Anti-healer started to run towards her, then just like her trick he tripped over. "CATACLYSM!!!" Yelled Chat Noir. Then Ladybug quickly ran over to him then jumped up above his head and then landed behind him intentionally and then grabbed his hand and then placed the cataclysm powered hand onto Anti-healer's cane.

"No more evil-doing for you! Time to de-evilize! Hyah!" Ladybug yelled as the akuma flew out of the akumatized object and then threw her yoyo into the air and caught it with her yoyo. "Gotcha!" She then released the now purified butterfly and let it go free then waved goodbye to it. "Bye bye little butterfly." She then grabbed the lucky charm and threw it up into the air. "Miraculous Ladybug!"

"Ughhh...What happened?" "Yea what did happen m'lady?" "You got turned evil but I saved you. You're welcome." Ladybug said as she smirked confidently as her yoyo fell onto his head.

"We make such a great team." "Yea we really do. Partner." Ladybug looked at Chat Noir and smiled and then so did Chat Noir. They then both leaned in and looked into each other's eyes and just listened through eye contact to one another's soul. "I love you M'lady. I mean that with all my heart Ladybug." "And I love you Chat Noir." They then hugged each other and kissed each other. 

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