Chapter Fifteen: The First dose of poison

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Chapter Fifteen: The First dose of poison

"Well to answer you're question Adrien, its more like a yes and a no." "What? What do you mean by that?" "It has to do with you're identities but I can't say anymore sorry." "Sigh. Its like every time I think I have a shot at it with her that shot just goes spiraling down instead. Alright. Well lets try to get some rest for now then tomorrow in the morning before school we will see if we can find Ladybug." "Good idea Adrien. As long as someone else will cooperate and won't flirt." Tikki said as she eyeballed Plagg who came up to them floating with a piece of camembert in hand. "Nyaa? Gulp. What are you chew chew talking about sugarcube?" "Ewww. And you know EXACTLY what I am talking about Plagg." Adrien just stood there and watched as the two kwamis conversed in conversation. "What do you mean sugar cube? I am quite oblivious to you're on the nose hints. Or maybe I should say on the antenna?" "Ugh. Adrien be glad you're not me." "I could never imagine what you have to go through Tikki." Adrien responded.

"Do you know where I could sleep Adrien?" "Nyaa. You could always cuddle with me Tiiikkiii." "Ugh. Plagg I'm being serious I'm really tired." "Screeeeechhhh!!!!" "AAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!" "Huh??!!" "How much you wanna bet?" Plagg said. "Hawkmoth." Tikki responded. "Plagg! Claws out!" "Byeeee Tikkiiiiiii!" Then Adrien was transformed into Chat Noir and then he picked up the little kwami and looked at her. "What are you gonna do while I'm gone Tikki? Will you be okay?"

"Yes Chat Noir I will be fine don't worry and if you need me just yell spots on for me. I think I will stay behind here though so that nobody finds me." "Good idea Tikki. I will only call on you if and when it is absolutely necessary." "Hm." Tikki smirked and nodded her head confidently at the superheroin and then Chat Noir jumped out of the room and onto the streets.

"Its all my fault. Its all my fault that the dishes aren't clean." A woman weeped and held her head in her hands. "I still can't believe that I cheated on my math test when I was seven." A man cried then started to cradle himself back and forth. "Ohhh Chloeeeee. Where are you?" Spoke Anti-Healer as he prowled across the streets of Paris. Maybe not literally but still just as threateningly.

"Woah woah woah where do you think you're going there pal? To a party? Because I quite personally think that wherever there is a party at its where me and my bug are at." "Well well well if it isn't the dashing heroin of cockiness and charm that will soon lead to his doom with ALL nine of his lives CHAT NOIR! Now if this is REALLY a party where are all of the delightful favors and you're little lady?" "She's kind of busy right now to say the least but its okay we can always have a duo crash right?" "Sorry but I think you mean trio!" "HUh? What do you mean by that?" "SCREEECH! SCREEECH!" Then suddenly the bat like statue on Anti-healer's cane came to life. "THIS trio. Now why don't we cut the chit-chat and get this party started?" "Quite! HYAH!" Chat Noir yelled then swung his baton at Anti-Healer as it clashed right into his cane. "SEA OF SADNESS! HYAH!" Then suddenly Anti-healer's claws got really close to his face and he looked at it in utter surprise.

"Not today doctor CLOD! HYAH!" He then wacked Anti-healer on the head with his baton then ran over to a bus, knocked on the window and asked the driver, "Could I borrow this for a second please?" "Uh yea sure Chat Noir. Everyone out! There's trouble in Paris again!" Everyone gasped then ran out of the bus. Then right after the bus driver got out there was a crash of impact from none other then anti-healer. Then Chat Noir used his baton and swung it at the bus trying to push the bus up against a building so that Anti-healer wouldn't escape.

"There that should work. Now time to go find Ladybug!" Chat Noir said then hopped up into the air and started to go back to his house. "Plagg claws in." Chat Noir spoke as he turned back into Adrien Agreste. "You're back!" Tikki exclaimed as she floated up in the air from being on Adrien's bed. "Yea barely Tikki." Plagg said and sighed. "That villain he's tough and actually its two!" "What? What do you mean?" "It was a boy and a bat. They BOTH got akumatized." "And they BOTH have powers." "We need to find Ladybug and fast but for now unfortunately since its night time Adrien, Plagg, you two need rest and so do I if we want any better chance at finding her." "She does have a point there Adrien. So lets get snoozing and stop loosin'! Hahah!" Plagg said and then flew straight first into Adrien's pillow on his bed. Adrien and Tikki just laughed and then went to bed as well. "Goodnight Plagg, goodnight Tikki." "Goodnight Adrien." They both said then went to bed.

Then the next day it was morning and then Adrien woke up ate breakfast with both kwamis in his bag walked outside and then pretended to go to school, hid in a alleyway and then pulled Plagg out of his bag and yelled, "Plagg! Claws out!" Then he got transformed from Adrien into Chat Noir. "Tikki hide inside my pocket okay?" Chat Noir told the little kwami. Tikki nodded then hid into his pocket. "Alright, lets go check out the bus and see if he's still there or not!" "Bus? What bus? Chat Noir what did you do??" "I-I Tikki I didn't know what else to do because Ladybug wasn't there." "I told you to say spots on!" "I wasn't sure if I should or not Hawkmoth remember?" "Oh...Right..Sorry Chat Noir." "Sigh. Its fine that and other reasons I wasn't sure it would be safe to call you out."

"Well I guess we should go and search for Ladybug. But how?" "I'll tell you what to do just don't worry about it." Then suddenly as Chat Noir was up on the buildings hopping back and forth he saw Marinette looking in her bag whispering to it, then starting to cry. Chat noir didn't know Marinette only Adrien did. He then thought that maybe she might have some leads as to where Ladybug is since she was acting so suspicious. He then hopped down and started to walk up to the same alleyway that Marinette had been hiding in and Adrien. "Why hello there. Excuse me Miss do you know anything at all about Ladybug? She has kind of gone missing. Or quite the contrary, could I help YOU at all?" He then jumped down to Marinette as he could see her frantically looking in her bag. "Blah!" Marinette jumped in surprise as she saw him leap down next to him. "Why hello there. Excuse me Miss but do you know anything at all about Ladybug? She has kind of gone missing. Or quite the contrary, could I help YOU at all?" "I'm missing a uh..A sculpture yea a sculpture....But its okay...I can find it on my own really its fine." Marinette said then smiled as tears rolled down her cheeks.

Chat Noir gasped then hugged her. "It will be okay...Miss?" "Marinette. Call me Marinette." Marinette said as they stopped hugging and looked at him with a even brighter smile. "Oh also I think that I saw Ladybug last at the Place des Vosges. I think. Maybe try looking for her there." "On it. Thank you m'lady." Chat Noir smiled and winked at her before giving her a kiss on the cheek then hopping away." "So, place des Vosges hmm? What should I do with you there Tikki?" "Just drop me off don't worry I will be fine Chat." "You sure?" "Positive." "Ah ah ah. Don't you mean PAWsitive bugakwami?" Chat Noir smirked then so did Tikki then they both started to burst out laughing. "Yea I did myyyy bad Chaton." "Hahaha. Alright well then if you are FELine pretty confident about yourself then hey, I have to trust you, right?" "Hm. Right. Well now, goodbye Chat Noir hope to see you again soon." Tikki said, waved then flew off into a tree. "Bye Tikki." 

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