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THEY RAN AS THEIR LIVES TOTALLY depended on it. They did not bother to mark out the walls as was protocol, they couldn't go back anyway. "Keep it up, guys. We're almost there!" Thomas yelled from the front of the pack of people. Eden ran with Newt, keeping an eye on him pretty much constantly. She noticed that whenever he stepped forward he winced but tried to cover it up. They could not take a break though, there wasn't time for that.

The group were running through the blades, the deepest part of the Maze and one of the last obstacles before the gate that would supposedly get them out of that place forever. Thomas stopped at one of the walls and so did everyone else. She could barely hear the metallic chittering of a Griever over the heavy breaths of all the people that surrounded her. "Is it a Griever?" Chuck whispered after Thomas had sneakily looked around the wall, pushing himself back up against it with closed eyes soon after.

"Yeah," Thomas whispered back, shoulders tensing up as mutterings of various swear words and disapproving comments surrounded them.

"You take this, Chuck. Stay behind us," Minho half-whispered, handing Chuck the remote that was their key to survival. A very important job that seemed to weigh heavily on the already frightened boys' shoulders. Teresa handed Eden a long piece of fabric that matched the one she had already used to pull her hair up and out of the way Eden thanked her with a smile and followed suit. She handed Newt her spear to hold for a second while she quickly tied up her hair, making sure not to miss a single piece

"It's okay, just stick with me," Teresa smiled reassuringly to Chuck, making the boy look somewhat relieved despite their situation.

Frypan slowly turned around whilst the others looked to Thomas for an answer. "Survival rate?" he whispered, watching as she completed a quick calculation within her mind.

"I'd say maybe forty percent?" she whispered back, shrugging softly as Newt handed her back her spear. Frypan looked somewhat pleased with this outcome, she supposed it was better than nothing or a lower rating.

"Once we're through, it'll activate and the door will open," Thomas explained, grabbing the attention of all those who were distracted. "All right, we stay close, we stick together, we get through this. We get out now, or we die trying," he paused, fixing the padding on his shoulders. At the very mention of death, Newt slipped his hand into hers and squeezed it tightly. Eden turned discreetly and looked at him peculiarly but he did not seem to notice. Notice anything at all. "Ready?" Thomas asked and everyone began to prepare themselves, psyching themselves up for battle if you will.

"All right, let's go!" Thomas yelled and all the Gladers followed suit, yelling themselves as they all stormed towards the Griever. They ran headfirst at the mechanical beetle, weapons extended and ready to attack at an instant. Collectively, they all impaled the now screeching Griever which then chose to swipe them all to the ground with a quick movement. They all scrambled up with minimal injury and began to push the Griever toward the edge of the area, where there was a drop that did not look like it ever ended. The Griever, as they all pushed it with their poles, roared loudly and gave every single person a good look at its slimy and pointed teeth that crowded its mouth.

"Watch the tail!" Minho yelled as the Griever pushed against their defence with its tail upright and ready to swipe them out again or impale them all. It took the former, attempting to swipe them all out but they collectively managed to push back again and avoid being killed. The Griever retaliated against this and grabbed the nearest person. It threw him over the edge far too quickly for her to identify who it was and she could not identify his scream.

"The key!" Chuck exclaimed distantly over all the yells of effort that the others were displaying as they fought to push the Griever over the edge. Eden, who was pushing the leg of the Griever on one side, watched as Chuck ran forward to try and get the key before it tumbled over the edge and was lost forever.

"Chuck! Watch the edge!" she yelled as she swept the leg of the Griever out from underneath it. The Griever toppled onto one side and the group collectively used that time to push it over the edge completely. The group momentarily cheered yet Eden remained silent, having a funny feeling that the single Griever was not the end of all their problems.

As she had that thought, Teresa's yells pulled their attention toward more Grievers coming up the side. "Thomas! Thomas!" she yelled, running directly in front of the two advancing Grievers. She had never seen Chuck look so scared, even when he was forcefully grabbed by one of them only the day previous.

"Look out!"

"Keep it, steady guys," Thomas exclaimed while remaining to right off the Grievers. While this was going on, Theras and Chuck weaved through the crowd of people and ran directly toward the gate. Despite their persistence, the Grievers were gaining on them and slowly backing them toward the Gate where both Teras and Chuck were frantically taping a red beeping screen.

"Thomas! There's a code! Eight numbers!" Teresa yelled, making sure her voice was heard over all the commotion. Thomas turned around, still remaining to attack the Griever but he had such a look of perplexment on his face that Eden had no choice but to step in. For the sake of all her friends' lives.

Eden turned, still jabbing the Griever with her spear. She yelled, "Minho! The sequence, the sections of the maze!"

Minho thought for a split second, a split second too long as the Griever noticed his gap in attack and attacked back. Thankfully, the people surrounding him were still fully in action and managed to push the Griever away while he came back to realization. He yelled back in between deep breaths, "Seven! One! Five! Two! Uh... Six, four!

"Heads up!" Newt yelled from beside her, so loudly that his voice momentarily rung in her ears. Eden looked up and saw a Griever falling from the top of the maze, heading directly onto them. The group parted instantly, all except Minho who managed to get trapped underneath the Griever. He fell to the floor, using his spear to hold back the chomping teeth of the Griever that was so desperate to kill him. Thankfully, this fallen Griever managed to hold off the other two. It was long enough for the rest of the group to attack the fallen Griever so Minho could clamber out from its attack. As this happened, one of the other two Grievers pulled around the corner and managed to grab Jeff and impale him as he was dragged away.

"Jeff!" Winston yelled desperately, having to be held back by Frypan while he watched his friend be killed.

"Six, four, eight, three! You got it?" Minho yelled over all the commotion as the exhausted Gladers went back to attacking the three Grievers. Beeping echoed behind them from the machinery, beeping that intensified as time went on.

"Keep holding!" Thomas yelled just as Newt's spear broke into two. Eden pushed herself in front of him and remained to attack with her spear, despite his protests against it. She simply just tuned it all out, not wanting him to die. Within seconds, four huge slabs of concrete fell from the ceiling in even intervals and squished the screeching Grievers so forcefully that their green blood and guts were spread onto the floor in front of them.

Momentary relief flooded her system as they had beaten the death-bringing machines. Then she realised that they weren't out of it yet and unpredictable things lingered behind the very gate they had just opened up.

The final shutter closed and darkness fell onto them, the type of darkness where she could not even see her hand centimetres from her face. 

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