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AS SOON AS THEY STEPPED out of the plane, well not so much for Eden who was carried, the group of Gladers fell into another conflict having just escaped their one previous. These were fast-acting brain-dead cannibals that hunted for their next meal ferociously. Cranks, as they were soon informed. They all had to sprint into a huge building in the middle of the desert that looked haphazardly thrown together yet overly fortified. The lights inside greatly contrasted the darkness of outside, almost burning their retinas due to their intensity of them.

Eden, despite the entire group's loud and exclaimed protests, was carted off in a completely opposite direction to them on a gurney. They all watched her disappear behind two double doors as various white-coated people stuck needles into her arm and assessed the damage to her wound. Yet no one would tell them anything about where she was going or her likeliness of survival.

Despite the gnawing worry for Eden that they all felt, one person in particular, the group drowned themselves in the multitudes of food that were offered to them on a long table in the middle of the 'holding' room, as their guide Janson called it. Then, after that meal had been demolished, they were taken to their beds. Actual physical beds with blankets and comfortable pillows. Now this, for most of them, meant that they could finally get a restful night's sleep along with their warm showers. Newt did not sleep a wink and ended up pacing the length of their bathroom for most of the night, trying to still his thoughts using one of her trusted methods.

It had the opposite effect.

THE FOLLOWING DAY, the group had been split into smaller groups that went to different rooms. Newt, Minho and Frypan were all grouped together and sent to a room that much resembled a larger version of Eden's lab - just with extra electronics and light fixtures. Newt sat in a chair on his own with one of the doctors, watching as he prepped a rather large and suspicious-looking needle full of fluid. "What is it?" he asked apprehensively as he rolled up his sleeve just as Eden had told him whenever she took his blood.

"Just some things you've been deprived of," the doctor, if you could call her that, pulled the syringe up and half waved it in front of his face. Newt reluctantly nodded and looked away as she inserted the needle. His jaw clenched in pain and he pushed himself toward distraction, mainly thinking about Eden and the many occasions she had taken his blood in the Glade.

Once Newt's check-up had been completed and all medication had been administered, he walked directly over to Minho who was running on the running machine - as if he hadn't gotten enough of it in the past few days. He claimed running cleared his head but during it his frown lines only enhanced, telling a completely different story entirely. "Any word?" Minho asked as lowly as he could muster, which wasn't very much due to his breathlessness.

Newt sighed, eying one of the doctors evilly as he leant on an unused running machine, "Not at all. They won't tell me anything, despite how much I ask."

"I'm sure she's fine," Minho replied breathlessly, once again hiding his concern for her despite the fact that it was evident in his face and demeanour. He had taken on the role of a comforting and hopeful friend while everyone else only saw the negative - this was unusual for him but undoubtedly stressful.

"She was shot, Minho. And unconscious forever," Newt countered argumentatively, peering at two doctors who were having a hushed discussion - too bad he could not lip-read.

"They seem to know what they're doing," Minho sighed, looking to the doctors that Newt was so intently staring at. He was trying to read their body language, to hear anything that they were saying just so he could get a morsel of information about Eden and her wellbeing.

"I don't trust them," Newt whispered back, completely disregarding Minho's play on being fakely unconcerned.

Minho took a deep breath, his lungs beginning to burn due to the running and trying to hold a conversation at the same time. It was not usual for him, in any respect. "With E or in general?"

"Both," Newt quickly replied before abruptly leaving the conversation. He, just as the two Doctors parted in different directions with now swapped clipboards, ran p to one of them. A woman who had just seconds ago disappeared to check over another Glader. "Is Eden okay?" he asked, standing in such a way that the woman did not have an out to avoid the situation. He could feel the hopeful look in his eyes reach levels that could not be hidden.

The Doctor shook her head, tightening her grip on her clipboard, "I can't disclose-"

He soon interrupted, jaw clenched in annoyance, "You can't disclose that information to me? Despite the fact that we all deserve to know how she's doing?"

"I'm sorry," she apologised yet Newt could tell it was not sincere. He could also tell that she was hiding something important, other than the well-being of Eden.

He sighed, a worry line beginning to crease his forehead again, "Could you just tell me if she's alive?"

"She's alive," the doctor replied apprehensively, looking around for people who could be listening to their conversation. Newt's shoulders, which had been tense and aching with every moment, relaxed and slipped back down into their usual place.

He frowned, "Why can't I see her then?"

"She was shot and she lost a lot of blood she needs rest." She was acting as if he had not woken up from the very minimal sleep that he had gotten with the feeling of her blood-drenched all over his hands and stuck within the markings of his hands with no way of removing it. She failed to mention that Eden was still fully unconscious and things did not look to be in her favour, that would definitely be the exact information that Newt wanted to know. "Now if you'll excuse me," she smiled somewhat then walked away from him, her steps quick and oddly suspicious.

Newt returned back to Minho just as he stepped off the running machine. "See, untrustworthy. Tommy thinks so too," Newt sighed, his shoulders tensing upward again.

"Look Newt, chill out man. These people saved us from Wicked, they're not going to harm Eden," he paused as he took a long drink of water. "She'll be okay."

Newt scoffed involuntarily, looking at Minho with a glare that he so hated. "And what if she's not? What if I have to go on and do whatever without her?"

"Then you'll deal with that as it comes, but I doubt it will. Just... try to distract yourself," he shrugged.

"With what? Running machine?" Newt snapped, whispers turning venomous instead of his usual lighthearted comments. "Sorry Minho, I didn't mean to-"

"I get it, you're stressed," Minho sighed, finally getting his breath. He raised a brow quizzically, a soft smile pulling at the edge of his lip, "But I know one thing, Eden would not want you to be."

Newt, as Minho had expected, found the comment to be somewhat funny and it acted as the reliever that the tense nature of their conversation needed. Once Minho had been called to get his injections, Newt walked out of the room with the rather violent slamming of the double doors.

"Heard anything about Teresa?" Newt asked as he walked into their sleeping room, heading straight for Thomas's bunk where he sat with his head in his hands.

Thomas shook his head as he brought his head out of his hands, looking up to Newt with eyes full of such stress and inner turmoil. He replied, "Nope. Eden?"

"Nothing," Newt sighed forlornly as he sat down next to Thomas, shuffling uncomfortably. Silence fell between them again as both of them thought only of the girl that was so missing from their lives.

"Do you want to go and bother the guards again?"

Newt did not hesitate, "Yes."

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