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AFTER A RATHER BLISSFUL night's sleep compared to all the nights in the desert beforehand, the group rose in the morning and began their trek towards wherever this Marcus fellow resided. Jorge was rather secretive about the location that they were approaching with everyone but Eden - he told her pretty much everything, including the concerns about how distrusting Marcus could be in these types of situations. He mainly told her because she asked too many questions to avoid it.

As they walked closer to a building that had noise pumping from every open door frame that was shrouded with frail curtains, Jorge stopped and turned toward Eden who was near the back of the group while she talked to Newt. She did not have time to question his sudden change in speed as he quickly answered her question. "Hood up," he half ordered, leaving much of the group in pure confusion.Eden's brow raised and her face scrunched, not quite knowing why it would be necessary."These people might already know who you are," Jorge continued hastily, noticing her perplexedness and the people that were slowly beginning to encroach on them.

"Because a hood is going to protect me," she replied sarcastically as Jorge began to walk away again, concern for her own safety beginning to swell in the back of her mind.

"It's better than nothing," Frypan piped up as an answer, despite the fact that he looked just as confused as she was. How the information about her knowing the cure would have gotten around so quickly was a complete mystery, one that she didn't really believe could be possible in the first place. Eden rolled her eyes discreetly as she pulled her hood over her head, already hating the way that it felt.

From then on, she was always kept between people and was never let out to be on her own or where someone could get a good look at her defining features.

She saw people, all of which had a misted look in their eyes, but other than that she saw nothing until they entered a room and her eyes fell upon Fry and Minho - who were carrying an unconscious Thomas to a bed in the corner of the room. She paid no attention to Jorge who was tying a guy she assumed to be Marcus to a chair, nor did she pay any attention to Brenda who helped. Eden rushed over to him after noticing his pale, clammy complexion and flipped her hood down before she checked his pulse. She simply could not deal with the feeling of it and the restriction for a moment longer..

"Is he okay?" Teresa asked impatiently, minorly interfering with Eden's focus for a split moment before her doctor-like mind kicked back in again. Eden could easily just switch off the outer goings on and focus on whatever she was doing without thinking twice about it. She loved that aspect of her mind, loved it alot more than the overthinking side that for a moment thought Thomas was dead when she could not catch his pulse for a spilt second. .

"He'll be fine," Eden eventually smiled, sending relief that she could see in her eyes through Teresa. After placing her hand on the back of Thomas' head for a final check on his temperature, Eden rose from the beds and walked over to where the others had conjugated. She sat down next to Newt, his arm stretched across the back of the sofa. His hand trailed up and down the top of her arm, sending shivers and oddly comforting feelings all through her body. She turned and smiled at him briefly, feeling ever so relaxed despite the terror surround them. Jorge was the opposite of relaxed. He had a guy tied to a chair and was repeatedly trying to get answers out of him in an extremely violent way that had most - baring Brenda- grimacing deeply.

"Listen I don't enjoy hurting you," Jorge announced, cracking his knuckles. The bloodied and bruised man in the chair didn't seem so convinced in the slightest by this statement. "Where is the Right Arm, Marcus?" Marcus once again refused to answer the question so Jorge began the lashings again, splattering blood from Marcus' split lip all over the floor. From then, Eden had enough. She quietly stood and slipped out of the room, not being noticed by anyone but Newt. The bloodied face and stern look of Marcus had slipped a few long forgotten memories back into her mind, that of the dark ages within the glade that she so desperately tried to forget. The dozen bodies that all had to be buried, the people that they lost. Worst of all, it acted as a reminder of Alby.

She walked through an open glass door that led to a balcony and stood facing the building opposite. She could not see anything of interest to distract herself so the gruesome images would not leave. She was unaware of how much time had passed, nor did she even hear someone slide the door she had shut open again until he spoke. "Eden, we're going," Aris called out, stepping out from behind the curtain as she turned back around and wiped her face of the tears.

"Where to?"

"An outpost in the mountains, apparently," Aris answered quickly, internally battling whether he should do anything to comfort her or even if he could.

"Wait, stay still," she quickly blurted, hand reaching for his shoulder. He froze up instantly, not moving his head but watching intently as she scooped up some sort of bug on his shoulder. "Everything always leads to the mountains," she replied, returning to their previous conversation as she placed the bug on a windowsill.

"Weird, right?" Aris responded as they both began to walk towards the area that the others had gone. Eden could not help but grimace at the sight of Marcus, still tied to the chair and looking brutally beaten. She did not like causing harm to someone else to get what she wanted in the slightest.

"It can't be coincidental. Something important has got to be there," Eden sighed deeply, nervously twisting the sphere that she and Alby shared in her fingertips. Chatter between Eden and Aris turned to their usual type of conversation after that, only stopping when Eden shuffled into the front seat of the car next to Newt. He, noticing the tear stains instantly, kissed her forehead and then proceeded to check if she was okay with his eyes - to which she nodded to brush of his concern.

Newt watched the world go by through the glass in front of him. Eden, exhaustion tugging on her eyes, observed him for just a second. The joyful grin, the wind messing with his hair and the focus portrayed in his eyes. It was an image she would have engraved in her mind forever, perfect until the last speck of dirt on his face.

Eden didn't remember much of the drive after that, as she promptly fell asleep. Her head too clouded with exhaustion to care about the sights she was missing out on. 

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