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SAND ALREADY BURNED HER eyes and they had only been outside for the better half of ten minutes. She simply hoped that they would find shelter from the sand or some sort of goggles soon enough. The group progressed, some (definitely wasn't mostly her) often slipping and sinking into the thicker plies of sand as they ran away from the guards that swarmed out of the lit up building behind them. The group stopped only once, to hide behind a large pile of sand when the guards got too close, but other than that they were constantly moving.

Teresa lead the group down a large slippery sandbank and into a near pitch black building with thousands of items littered at their feet. Each person pulled out a torch one after the other (Minho handed Eden one) and lit up the building for a few meters surrounding them. Thomas explained everything to Teresa, in about as much detail as he had with the others before hand. So Eden tuned it out, focusing only on the throbbing pain in her shoulder and the distant headache blooming at the base of her skull. "The right arm?" Thomas continued a little louder than he had spoken before, grasping Eden's attention as he had planned to upon noticing that she was distracted by a pile of human looking bones clustering one of the corners.

Eden soon spoke up, still staring at the pile of bones that only seemed to grow the more that she looked at it, "I heard them talking about that while I was somewhat unconscious in the hospital. They're the resistance or Army completely against Wicked. Our best bet is to head to the mountains."

Newt's expression contorted in such a way that she knew he strongly disagreed with the plan that others seemed skeptical of. "Mountain people? That's the plan?"

"It's the only chance we have," she replied softly yet so everyone could hear it. "Unless anyone else has any idea." Complete silence followed to the point where it almost swallowed up all the energy within the room. "Right, split off into pairs and gather anything useful that you can salvage."

She and Newt both walked around in silence, a slight tension holding around them from their brief disagreement before hand (if you could even call it an argument.) Eden branched away from him for a second, taking her torch toward a large pile of medical supplies. There were empty vials, syringes and various different pill casings. She routed through it all one handed, not finding anything she could salvage as most of it wasn't sterilized, was insanely moulded or stale.

"You're bleeding," Newt whispered, stood directly behind her and as she turned her head to look towards where the voice had come from, their heads almost collided.

"What?" she whispered back, confusion tugging down her brow as she set a full bottle of pills onto the bench. He gestured to her shoulder so she followed, tugging on her shirt until the blood came into her view. "Oh...I must have torn a stitch," she shrugged. Eden tugged her arm out of her sleeve of her shirt, getting stuck halfway through. They both laughed, despite the seriousness of the bleeding situation, until he helped her out of the situation and watched as she removed the many bandages around her arm.

Newt stared at the injury laying underneath the bandages. The half circle red wound, stitched up with a blackened thread that peeled at one edge where blood pooled from. The entire area had a worrying purplish tinge that looked ever so painful. He wondered how she hadn't noticed the bleeding or mentioned the pain before that. He pulled his gaze away from her shoulder and flicked up to her eyes, "Pepper..."

She shrugged, feeling somewhat numb to the pain by that point, "It's fine, the rest are in place. I just need a new bandage but I doubt we'll be able to find them here-"

Newt dug into one of his pockets and pulled out a thick folded white wrapper with blue writing all over it. He unfolded it and held it into their torchlight, making sure she could see the wording clearly in the darkness that surrounded them still. "Will this do?"

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