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"EVERYONE THROUGH THE VENT," Thomas ordered without wasting a single second despite the fact that his concern for Teresa had grown immensely with Eden's lack of information about her whereabouts. Everyone began to funnel through the gate whereas Eden ran into the bathroom. She picked up her bag, which she had hidden in there for a later date, and routed through it. She plucked out her notebook and the bead she shared with Alby. The bead was slipped into her pocket and the notebook flushed down the toilet so no one could get their hands on it - she had memorised the cure long ago now, due to her long hours alone in the hospital. As she emerged from the bathroom, door clattering behind her, she watched as the last few people crawled into the vent then she went too, checking that everyone had gotten through before she had. About ten meters into the tunnelling vents, she heard the door to the bedroom slam open and the frustrated yells of Janson within.

She had little time to dwell on that though as their hurried movements had already made it so the group were through the vent completely. Eden had a certain pain in her eyes as Newt helped her out of the vent and he could not help but notice how she slouched over as waves of pain brought nausea to her stomach - nausea which was extremely prominent even over the adrenaline calling her body home. "What happened?" he asked quickly, somewhat lowly as he rubbed comforting circles on her back.

"Caught myself on a turning, it's okay," she cleared her throat deeply then stood up correctly, taking steadying breaths. Newt was not convinced in the slightest and made sure to keep at least one eye on her at all times as they began to run down the corridor after Winston and Aris had climbed back into the vents for some other undisclosed mission.

"You sure we can trust this kid?" Minho queried as they all began to run down the concrete corridor, lights ever so different to the ones in the rest of the place -that Eden had seen anyway.

"You don't want to know where we'd be without him," Thomas half scoffed, shaking his head of the terrifying picture that came to his mind at an instant. They all turned the corner and stopped instantly as they saw one of the doctors, looking perplexed about their very existence in this part of the building.

"What are you kids doing out?"

Eden stepped forward, letting Newt's hand go as she smiled and approached the doctor. "Dr Crawford! We were looking for you. I'm having a problem with my arm," she explained with such a tone that it was completely convincing. Dr Crawford's curious brow fell as she looked to Eden with such concern, gaze falling to her shoulder. Then, that concern instantly fell when the warning alarms sounded around then. Bright orange loud flashing lights that told their story. Due to where she was standing, Eden had the perfect opportunity. She reached forward and instantly grabbed onto Crawford's hands, using one hand to take away the communication device that was on her wrist. Frypan took over their now hostage while Eden smashed the device on the wall, letting the pieces scatter to their feet.

The group, plus their hostage that would get them into the hospital where they all expected Teresa to be, took of to a run down the corridor once again. They rather sporadically ran down the concrete corridors, the alarm sounds beginning to get annoying and turned multiple corners until they reached their next obstacle. An approaching soldier with a gun. "Freeze!" the guard yelled as they all came to a complete stop, looking around panicked for another option. His gun cocked loudly instilling a further heightened adrenaline within the Gladers who all collectively turned to run back the way they came and toward another exit. Every Glader apart from one. Minho stopped in the middle of the corridor and turned back toward where the guard would soon appear. "Minho what the hell are you doing?" Newt asked just below a yell, his voice clearly heard over the commotion amongst the people around him.

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