Because you are

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When my life gets too out of hand

And all I want to do is run

Too much noise and forced demands

Not a moment alone always someone

You make me pause and wait

Let me linger for a breath

Even if it makes me very late

I know what you do is for the best

Because you are, because you are

You hurt like my brand-new Jimmy Choe's

Like an angel or a Bethlehem's star

You always bring me to the truth

You always tell it like it is

Even if what you say might hurt

You're my conscience on the evening breeze

Guiding footsteps in the dusty dirt

When sorrow left its nasty trace

In my tired eyes and memories

You wipe the tears right of my face

Bring back smiles and happy reveries

When my heart has broken, you pick me up

When there's nothing left, you say it's not enough!

You make me stand so tall I can reach the trees

I can float on air with the summer breeze!

Because you are, because you are

You hurt like my brand-new Jimmy Choe's

Like an angel or Bethlehem's star

You always bring me to the truth

Dandelions In The WindWhere stories live. Discover now