The Devil

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You came with a smile and time to spare

When my family almost forgot I was there

They accepted you like a son, they listened to your songs

While every place in the dark, your hands touching me, so wrong.

I hate polka dot dresses, styled in blue and white

You were fishing by the river, you said come play my wife

As a child I believed you, was this part of our game?

No way to describe the pain and the shame

Cleaned up as best I could, Mother would be cross

I will burn my underwear, we were poor ,what a loss

The blood I can scrub from my dress with some soap

And pray Sweet Jesus, what happened, how to cope?

I asked my big sister, it was her husband after all

She called me a liar, she would watch me crawl

Each night to my room alone and afraid

The fact that he liked me, is the reason I paid.

I left home at eighteen to never return

Missing my Daddy, everything else I wished I could burn

Then I was seven, a child, nothing more

Now I will end it, I'll even the score

But the Lord had a plan so different than mine

Away from this devil and pain heals with time

My sister a cancer that keeps spreading lies

Now getting older, life empty, not even a prize

I look out my window, watch a clear ocean and sky

I left all the pain with a single teardrop in my eye

My life had meaning, I saved and I helped

But more than anything, I dealt and I felt.

I buried my father in the old family plot

He never knew, my silence was bought

With lies and threats, insults and boarding school

Mother you kept me at bay with your ridicules rules.

God, I know just my thoughts are a sin on their own

But Father if not for you, I would have been all alone

I pray that my children would cherish my love and taste

All the goodness in life, not know the mother I hate

I watch my children as they laugh on the beach

Lord I succeeded, no devils breached

On the wall in our home accolades and bucket lists done

Too hell with you mother, devil and sister, this time I won.

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