Little Bird

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I got a call from school that day; your teacher was in a mood

Said you insisted not hearing her song, but at least you weren't too rude

I listened carefully as you explained, while your blonde curls blew in the wind

"Momma, you don't understand, Mrs. Peters really shouldn't sing"

I turned by back to hide a smile, knowing this was my own truth

Teaching no lies no fibs, be honest, even sometimes it may hurt

Lord, when she was born so early and we feared for her life

I promised I would trade my own, prayed that You keep her in Your sight

Lord, You answered all my prayers; my little bird grew fearless wings

In her world, no matter what it brings, to her it's always spring

Guide her to her destiny, to make a difference until her dying day

But please Lord remind her that You and I are just a heartbeat away.

Big blue eyes filled with tears; sometimes happy sometimes sad

So much of myself I see, especially when my bird is mad

Baby, how proud you make us, both your Dad and me

Take a moment when life gets hard and remember where you've been

If you're blessed with love and laughter and children of your own

Teach them honesty and your gift to make others never feels alone

More than anything share that beauty of love and a giving soul

Bird it's only your special smile that can fill those very hurtful holes

Remember our fairy garden, the dragonfly and Jack

you kept loving that pup, even when Jesus wouldn't give him back

Close your eyes, take a breath, feel your heartbeat in your chest

Know that I treasure every moment with you, I'm the one that's blessed

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