⁰¹A second chance

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His blonde hair flowed wildly as the baang he made shocked the entire test floor. A monster had entered the tower.

As I made eye contact with his orange menacing eyes, I could see his determined future waiting for him. A throne. A king.

And she knew she could lead him to it.

On the first day the young Hwaya set foot on the test of floors, she fell in love.


"What do you think your doing Hwaya?" His face was unseen by his mask but his wild blonde hair and dominate authority could still be felt by all those in the tower.

"You can't take another step from here. I refuse to let you." A red witch's hair was blown like there was a hurricane happening right in front of her. "Not another step. Zahard." She yelled out without wavering, she had foresaw this happening ages ago, but her heart ached as the moment finally dawned upon her.

Zahard clicked his tongue but didn't lower his baang's one bit, he didn't seem like he would kill her right now but he would. And he will.

Just then-

"ZAHARD! HWAYA! Stop this at once!" Khun Eduan's voice rang out as he stood in between the two, Arie Hon joined beside him "Zahard, you know hwaya's just doing this to protect Arlene and V. Just let them go! They won't show their faces anymore!" He begged his best friend to just let this incident go without anyone harmed, he didn't want their friendship to be broken like this, to be broken at all.

Hon's exclaims of protest along with Eduan's words didn't seem to reach him. Zahard and Hwaya were battling in their minds, Zahard with his undefeatable power. Hwaya with her future knowledge. The two were figuring and trying every strategy there could be. None of which ended up in one side winning.

Zahard couldn't believe it. But Hwaya could. She had dreamt of this moment for months. And she prepared an escape route all for this day just for Arlene and V. She didn't prepare one herself because she believed she wouldn't need it. But that didn't end well. Zahard caught her sneaking Arlene and V with their newborn baby out and flew into a rage that resulted in Hwaya ending up receiving his fury.

Zahard had always believed Hwaya would never betray him because she always spent every moment of their journey together. Side by side. So why was she standing before him not uttering a single word, not even an apology? She always comforted him when Arlene rejected him every time. She was there when they got lost and she was there to fight on the sidelines to cover up mistakes. (Not that they had any in the first place)

"Zahard...you thought I'd never go against your back huh? Yeah...I thought that too." Zahard remained silent and unmoving while Eduan and Hon backed away. The white haired swordsman was still worried about his disciple. "But...all this time... you've always looked and gone where Arlene was. But she didn't love you back." The red haired guide bit her lip but continued "Did you know? I used to love you." Zahard flinched at that, who knows what kind of face he made when he heard those words. "Used to. I could never leave your side no matter how many times you confessed to Arlene. But how could I ever hate her? Arlene's...the glue of our little group. So when she found happiness with V. I really thought I had a chance with you. I was wrong. So wrong."

"All you've ever done after that is either try to kill V or steal Arlene from him. Is that how you pursue a lady's heart? Ha..." Hwaya was silently crying as she spoke those words.

A certain swordsman was eyeing Hwaya with heartbroken eyes as she continued on with her words. But he didn't want to hear them anymore. He only wished for them to lower their weapons and return as friends. But he knew that couldn't happen. So he spoke out "Zaha-

A baang shot through the red haired figure in front of him.


Those words ran through his head as he rushed towards his fallen friend. Zahard had already turned his back away but unmoving. Eduan ran up to Zahard and yelled. But Hwaya and Hon couldn't hear the yells that seemed so far away.

The two only looked at each other in silence.

One in pain and regret.

One in worry and lost.

"If...there's a next life, promise me you'll see the Maehwa blooms with me?" The blood splattered witch asked weakly.

"If there's ever a next life. I'll take you anywhere. Even to the 135th floor if you wish." The ash coloured sword master replied with a forced smile on his face.

"When that time comes...take me as your bride...promise?" The scarlet witch closed her eyes as she awaited his response.

"Promise. Meet you at the Maehwa tree." He said while weeping softly in lost as her breathe never came and her possessions and corpse were disappearing into shards.

"Promise..." A voice echoed.


Huh...? Where am I now? A red room? Why-

The witches thoughts were halted as she glanced at her appearance in the mirror.


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why...? Do I look so different?! Did I.. get reincarnated...?

Red hair and eyes...it looks like I'm still a red witch... which...is a surprise, it feels so different yet familiar,
how weird...

A second chance...for what? How long has it passed since my death? Did Arlene and V make it through safely? Is Zahard...no. What about Hon? I promised

Her face turned red at the thought of her sudden proposal nearing death. It seems it finally caught up to her.

But...will he remember my promise...?

The witch left that thought aside and went outside her little cottage to survey her surroundings. It was a dark cave with living nesseceties. The walls were roughly carved. It seemed like a mountain with holes. A tunnel just outside the room.

"Just wait for me. I'll fulfil our promise. No take-backsises." She smiled as she set off to survey her new living quarters.

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