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Khun went off to the bathroom while Rak, Baam and Ianna sat down and rested for bit waiting for the bluenette to return. A certain tracksuit regular came up to introduce himself.

"Hey! Lucky boy and red guide! I'm Shibisu! A regular like you! Nice to meet ya!"

"Oh nice to meet you I'm Baam."

"What about the big guy?"

"Leader Rak. I'm the true leader of this Era."

Ah! I'm Ianna Maehwa."

"Woah you mean that Maehwa? The tree on the 100th floor?"

"Well...I guess?"

"You've got some funny guys on your team!"

While the two regulars were getting all over each other I snuck behind Rak and jumped into his shoulders.

"What are you doing red turtle?"

"Well your leader Rak aren't you? So as the leader, you should help when you teammate is short."


Our rest was interrupted as Lero Ro came in.

"Hello again regulars! I came with very good news!"
Everyone perked at the sound of that.

"Yes! We're having a bonus test!"

Shibisu quickly refused.

"That's too bad but it's fine if you don't participate anyways. The winner of this test gets to pass the final test of this floor." Lero smirked as he continued on with the rules. "They get to go straight to the next floor. They won't have to take the remaining tests and has the right to go onto the next floor. The game is called the crown game, those who wish to join can follow me"

Crown? Did you make this with me in mind? If so. I'm so gonna beat your ass lemon drop.

As lero ro was talking about the rules of the crown game Ianna's thoughts drifted off to an old memory.

"Zahard! Your the king. So I'll be your loyal advisor giving you insight on everything! Just trust me ok?"

"Hm...then. Royal advisor. Crown me as your king."

"Yes my lord!" As The scarlet guide placed the golden crown on his head the memory faded away.

"Hey Ianna the round ended." Khun spoke.

"Yeah. That green march girl won right?"

"Huh? Green march?! You mean-

"No. She's not a princess of Zahard. No way. She's way too weak. This is all of her abilities. She's nothing like a real princess of Zahard."

Khun seem to understand and went on overthinking his strategies.

The second round started.

"Ms Ianna." Baam wanted to ask her something.


"Which team do you think will win?"

"Hmm... the lizard. Although that Laure guy seems to be from the Eurasia family... shinsu isn't much help when the opponent has an ignition weapon. Like green April."

Hm? Why is she- OH SHIT!

A loud noise rang through the floor. When the most and dust cleared, the sight of Anaak hurt was seen, a red shinsu barrier encased the team that Anaak had tried to get into. A barrier made by Ianna.

"Give me that weapon."

"As if Baam will hand anything over to you. Kid."

"Hand over that weapon. You shouldn't have it."

"Hey! Anaak! Why did you leave the throne?!"

"Give me that weapon."

"You left just because you wanted some stupid weapon?!"

"Stupid? Your calling the masterpiece of Ashul Edwaru the black march part of the 13 month series stupid?"

"What? That black march that's suppose to be in the hands of princess Yuri Zahard?! That black march?!"

"Yeah you idiot. So give me that weapon."

"Baam was given the black march by princess Yuri herself. So you can't touch it. Kid"


Lero ro appeared behind her and stopped her and sooke out "your the one who doesn't know their place. Anaak Zahard. You left the throne so your team lost please return to your room."

Anaak stopped as if reflecting. But then she asked "umm... mr administrator... could you add another rule to the game?"

Why the hell is she acting all nice and innocent all of a sudden?

"Add another rule?"

"Yes a blockbuster event with this green April and the prize as the black march."

"That sounds interesting."

"Well what do you say Baam? Wanna play a game?"

"A game?"

"Yeah. I'll bet my green April. And you bet your black march. If your team wins I give you the Green April. If I win. You give me Black March."


"Yeah I guess you'd lose with those weak teammates of yours."

This bitch-

"Baam. When we win give me that green April."

"Ms Ianna?"

"What? It's clear that you can't take two ignition weapons anyway. But this green iguana here doesn't even have full control over her own weapon the only reason she can even ignite it is because she's blood related."

Anaak flinched at that and sent me the craziest death glare I ever saw. Well in this life anyway.

"When I win. I want to slap you at least once. Red guide."

"Try me green toad."

"Your names Anaak Zahard? Ha. Extra's like you don't really know what's up. The main characters like us always go last. That's why we were waiting so long right crocodile?" Khun added


"And you lemon drop. Should know out of all people what a crown means to me." Ianna stared over to Lero

"Well doesn't it make the game more fun then? It'll be nice to see who you choose as the one who sits on the throne. 선생님."

"Aish you little shit..."

The regulars all sweat dropped at Ianna's words. Did she just flip off a ranker?!


"You dare say another word?"


What the hell?!?!


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