⁰³Found out

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Mic test... yes! HELLO REGULARS! I'm your test administrator, Ranker Lero Ro!

Nice to meet Chu~!

"Pft-!" Ianna was almost in tears. She's seen him when he was just a little regular back then, he seemed so out of character hah!

Well at least someone appreciates it. Anyways!  Now that you've had a short moment of rest! Let's continue the test! But before that! There'll be a little pretest! OH! FYI- those who don't pass the pretest can't take the next test!

Murmurs we're passed around and the crowd started getting noisy.

Don't worry! It's a simple pretest! Relax~
Alright! Let's begin! The pretest.

Shinsu covered the room and was compressed into a barrier that knocked most regulars out. Well not me. The shinsu is basically my toy and food. Child's play honestly... to think that little lemon drop is stuck here taking care of babies... poor lemon drop...

As the tanker kept blabbering on and on about shinsu.  I saw Baam in the corner and sneaked towards him.

But then he spoke up "Umm... Mr ranker? I don't know why I was pushed out...but I should probably go back in right?"

I was right next to him so I just folded my hands while glaring at the lemon drop I used to squeeze lemon juice out of... if he dared make me retake that baby-

"No. Your in Mr Baam. You too Ms...

"Ianna. Ianna Maehwa."

"Ms Maehwa. Your both in. You both pass. After all this is also Luck."

Luck my ass. It was totally luck that you had lemon coloured hair when your dad did right? Totally luck.

The crowd erupted once again with boo's and disagreements. I couldn't care less. The annoying part was. Lemon drop knows who I am now. Well it's not like I can lie when he can see through me like this.

Lero Ro: we meet again scarlet seer.

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