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Authors note:
Ahhhh!!! I'm so sorry guys! I forgot about this book because I had to prepare for my schools Christmas party so sorry! Here's the latest chapter!
Bam woke up the next day with cries of welcome and glad.

Khun just smiled and told him to hurry up and come with him.

As they walked, Bam felt the uncomfortable silence. He couldn't help but wonder where they were going and where his Noona had gone.

He found both of his answers. In the middle of the room, in a silver class case held Hwaya.

"NOONA?! Why is she like this...?! What happened?!"

Khun explained first "when we went to lure the mirror, Rachel bombed me in surprise, I didn't react fast enough and got caught in it. Luckily Rak wasn't close to us and didn't suffer any critical damage."

Evan then continued "Hwaya had already healed your injuries when she got back to the train and without thinking twice about her own health she healed Khun as well, you injuries likely weren't the reason why she collapsed, but I'm afraid she exhausted herself and her body is in a state of rest."

"When will she wake up then?!" Bam exclaimed.

"That... we don't know." Evan turned his head away.

All the other regulars had their head down and Yuri was even close to crying.

"It's my bad... Bam..." Khun mumbled.

"No. It's Rachel's, whatever happens from now on, I'll be one to make Rachel pay for what she did to Noona." Bam promised.

A few regulars had gone to settle scores Rachel, meanwhile Hansung quietly drank his tea as he received Zahard's order.

Oh well, I wonder if 선생님 knows...

I'm glad I got to see you again,

Just then, a flame sparked in the dark sky.

Evankhell had returned.

Hwaya's quiet self lied silently in the center of the room.

Yuri sat next to her glass case and took a rest. The rest of the regulars were talking about how they missed Hwaya already and how to get stronger.

"I miss her nagging already..." Boro sulked.
Sachi had to lightly smack him in the head.

"She'll be fine, she'll wake up someday. And I'm that time we have to get stronger so this never happens again." Sachi and the others agreed on this.

They all knew the reason Hwaya collapsed. But they couldn't blame Khun, he was the one in danger and Hwaya took up the role to heal him herself. There was no one to blame.

No one other than Rachel.

A month had passed and the train had almost arrived at the final station. And there waiting for them were the thousands of Zahard soldiers.

White was outside fighting rankers when all of a sudden, a warm red light encased every regular and irregular on the train, except for Rachel and Yura of course.

White immediately felt a surge of power rising from his chest, and unbeknownst to everyone on the battle field, the slowly beating heart of an unconscious seer was lit up by the flame of a torch.

With the new profound power surging within every single one of the regulars and irregular alike, they all made their way to safety. Expect for a few others of course.

White brandished his sword of gleaming white and took down most of the rankers, with the extra power up from Hwaya, as his consciousness faded due to the lack of energy and power, but the red light encased him and protected him from being captured, that red light surged toward the resting body of Hwaya in her ice case, with this. White was now apart of her spirit collection.

Bam and the others had arrived safely to the train station but was now faced with the situation of saving their comrades Sachi and Boro.

One should know to never trust hwaryun.

Bam set out to save the others and entrusted Hwaya to the others making them promise to take her to woon yeon.

During Bam's way to rescue Sachi and Boro, he partied up with Endorsi and Miseng but his mind could only worry about His Noona.

I swear Noona, I'll wake up, it's my time to save you.

Though the journey of our guide has been long and hard, one gets hurt during adventure as well, what adventures shall this sleeping beauty encounter this time?

Just kidding I'm not ending it here that's so cruel.

Hellfire rained and the burning temperature easily melted the naive little rankers that got caught in Evankhell's hell.

During the rain of fire, Evankhell noticed a flame burning in the regulars that Hansung had saved.

She wanted to go over but was interrupted by the ruler of the floor and was forced to fight, though forced would be the wrong word, after all her face was lit up by a grin from ear to ear.

Bam's master and Kallavan's fight lit up sparks that could be seen as fireworks to normal regulars as the sky was lit up in bright colours galore.

Bam held black march dangerously, and with the beautiful ghost appearing before him, a deal was struck again.

Appearing before the rankers on the battlefield, was the boy Hwaya had trusted her life to, the one she treated a son, the one she raised with love to take down him.

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