blunt | argyle

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argyle smirked and nodded his head encouragingly.

"i don't think we should be doing this," you whispered but brought the blunt to your lips anyway. you inhaled and immediately started coughing. you never smoked before argyle but despite the short amount of months you've known him, you've become a frequent user.

argyle started laughing which made you laugh which made argyle laugh even harder so you laughed even more and the cycle continued.

"i like hanging out with you," you said out of nowhere. you turned to look at him and felt a sudden urge to be close to him, so you moved closer without keeping your eyes off of him. you sat right next to him facing forward. the two of you were sitting in the back of his van like you normally did. 

he took another hit and watched you closely. "i like hanging out with you too," he responded. he nodded his head, asking you to move closer so you did. this was your relationship with argyle. you guys would always tease the idea of you two but never actually go for it. it was not like you could anyway. 

so it was hard not to fall for him. he was such a flirt it was annoying but you can't deny that loved every moment of it. 

"are you really going to stay over there if they go?" he asked quietly.

jonathan, will, mike, and el were planning on moving back to hawkins soon. there was a rumor that what we thought we had finished wasn't actually over so we had to go. i have to go.

however, you don't see yourself returning which absolutely broke your heart because you wholeheartedly believed that you were in love with him. yet, that was not enough to make you stay. hawkins needed your help and you couldn't keep running away.... and you were close to ruining his life, you could feel it. 

you stayed close to him but did not turn to look at him. you did not want to see his reaction, "yes."

"man, i was so hoping that was not your answer," he was looking at you. so you turned to look at him. his face was only inches from yours. so so close.

"i knew you'd miss me," you said looking at his lips then at him. 

"i miss you even when i know you're down the street," he whispered and then he kissed you.

your stomach exploded in butterflies. it all felt perfect to you, the way his lips moved with yours. you made sure to hold the blunt carefully and away from the two of you as you kissed this beautiful man in front of you. 

the happiness you felt was overwhelming that you felt the small rumble in your stomach that meant your powers were coming alive. you panicked and moved away from argyle. you pushed until you were across from him and still, the blunt was safe between your fingers. 

"i am sorry was that too much?" he asked quickly. he seemed a little sad but also worried for you. 

of course you that wasn't too much. that was what you wanted and more, but you had been keeping a secret from him. you felt like trash not being 100% honest with him. you had some abilities that you got from hawkins laboratory all those years ago. el was the only other one like you that you knew. 

ever since the events of starcourt mall, you've run from hawkins. they kept telling you that it would protect them but you knew that it only made things worse. there was nobody in hawkins like the two of you to protect them. yet, you have let yourself relax these last few months. there were days when you didn't even think about hawkins and you hated that. 

you were the reason for so many deaths and you were able to forget them like that? no, that was not fair. you loved argyle but you could not truly ever let yourself fully love someone. it would only bring them danger. so, you hadn't told him about all of that. you wanted to believe for a little that you could be this normal person with a normal crush and that it would all be okay. but he kissed you and that changed everything. that made you dangerous for him. that would ruin his life. 

what could you say? be honest with him? he would run and that would hurt more. 

"i am leaving argyle. let's not make this harder than it has to be," you took a hit of the blunt as if you hadn't just broken your own heart and his. as if you hadn't just had the best kiss of your life. as if you didn't want to crawl over to him and kiss every inch of him. 

"i know. i just-just pass the blunt loser," he replied. as always, you two brushed over whatever little moment you had between the two of you. 

like the day you were driving (which was a once in a lifetime thing because he never let you drive his van) and he kept staring at you and you laughed and said "what?" and he laughed and said "you're just so beautiful" and then you laughed and called him stupid. then he laughed and said he was clearly talking about the joint he was about to spark up. and then you continued to laugh and talk about other shit but you still had butterflies in your stomach from what he had said. 

but this wasn't just a little moment. he kissed you. he fucking kissed you!

"i want this more than you know," you said finally. he was looking out the window which actually helped you continue. "god, all my life i've made sure to stay away from anyone like you. except there's nobody like you so i didn't know that getting to know you would make me feel this way so i did not stay away. maybe i should have because that would only mean that you would always be safe." 

at that, he looked confused. 

you made eye contact and continued before he could say anything, "i am a dangerous person argyle. i've done things to protect myself, things most people can't and shouldn't be able to do."

"y/n," he was reaching out to you but you scooted even further away. 

"no, let me finish."

so you explained as much as you could about yourself and what you can do and what you have done. you did not let him interrupt you even if he tried a bunch of times. if you stopped now, you would not be able to continue. 

"finally, i do this because i care about you argyle. i can't let myself do this to you." 

"can you let me fucking talk?" he said finally. 

you were a little shocked because he rarely spoke like that to you. you nodded your head. 

"i know, y/n."


"i know. jonathan told me everything when we were stoned one time. i thought he was joking honestly but then i asked again the next day and he just repeated everything and more... and he told me about you.." he blushed, "he said he knew you would never allow yourself to be happy so he told me." 

jonathan told him? you weren't mad because argyle was his best friend but he never.. "why didn't you ever say anything?" 

"i understand why you would want to put that behind you, y/n. you've been through a lot.. thank you for worrying so much about me but i can take care of myself... and i know what i want." 

"argyle... no you don't. you think you know what you want and what you're getting into with me but you don't. i can't argyle.  i am sorry."

"y/n!" he yelled and tried to grab your arm but you had already used your telekinesis to open the van's sliding door and rushed out. 

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