razzles | steve harrington

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"please no," he begged once more. he was practically on his knees at this point but you shook your head.

"we need someone to look after them, please?" you said with a smile and then turned your back to steve who groaned.

"always the baby sitter. always the godamn BABY SITTER!"

"dude were just getting snacks.." max gave him a weird look and rolled her eyes. steve mimicked her silently and then turned his back to the two of you.

you laughed and grabbed steve's keys from the table. you and max were heading to a mini mart to grab some snacks for a movie everyone was going to watch. you were excited because it had been a while since you all got to just.. relax.

eddie and dustin went out to get pizzas, while jonathan and nancy were getting the movie. robin was still working so she would be coming home with them. everyone else had something to do so steve had to stay with lucas, mike and will even though they weren't little kids anymore.


"we need these!" you exclaimed and grabbed five little bags razzles.

"ew," max took three out of your hand and let you keep the rest, "nobody likes those y/n."

"steve does," you stuck your tongue out at her.

"oh steve, steve loves this, steve loved that, steve steve," she said teasingly. she walked down the aisle and grabbed some chips. "plus steve probably only says he likes them because you do. those are disgusting."

so, max knew you had feelings for steve. one day she just came up to you and told you she knew. ever since then, you understood steve's friendship with dustin. you could talk to her about anything and honestly she was very smart despite being three years younger. except she would constantly tell you that steve felt the same way, you truly did not believe that.

you turned to look at her quickly and felt yourself blush, "what! shut up no he doesn't," you ran and grabbed the bag of chips she had in her hand, "and I have way better taste cause what is this?" you put it back.

"yes he totally does. i swear i heard him gag right after telling you he loved it one time. and you like those!"

"oh, right." you grabbed the bag again and tossed it in the cart. you and max laughed.

"did he actually gag?" you said quietly.

max sighed deeply and patted your back, "yes, he did."


when you arrived, everyone else was already there. they started the movie and to grab food and snacks as soon as the two of you entered the door.

"finally," groaned lucas and ran to grab some pizza. they waited to eat until you two got there but literally just waited for you to walk through the door. you couldn't help but laugh.

steve walked over to you and handed you a pizza as soon as you entered. he grabbed any extra groceries and walked to the kitchen.

"thank you, i got you these," you pulled the razzles out of your pocket. you looked up at him through your lashes with a smile on your face.

"oh. thank you." he sounded surprised but smiled anyway.

"you liar!!" you slapped him on the shoulder with the little bag and then again.

"hey! ow," he laughed and you hit him again. he held your wrist, "what was that for?"

"i know you don't like them, steve," you crossed your arms and stared at him.

"whaaaat!" his voice sounded a little higher than normal. "okay fine."

"wow, you give you give up quickly," you laughed.

"they're not my favorite okay?"

"so why would you tell me you did?" you rolled your eyes.

"you got so excited when you thought the look on my face was because i enjoyed them, i couldn't tell you i didn't."

"you could've told me loser." you playfully shoved him and then stuck red razzles in your mouth. "anyway, you, max, and everyone else who doesn't like these has shitty taste in candy, but especially you for lying to me." you pouted with your cheeks full of razzles.

steve looked at you and smiled.


he stood quietly for a moment and then looked over at robin — you had not noticed that she had been watching you two the whole time — who did a little nod. then, he turned back to you.

"you just look so beautiful. it's hard not to admire even when you're eating those god awful creations but honestly i think i wouldn't mind tasting them on your lips if you'd let me."

you choked on the razzles you had left and swallowed them quickly. woah. you could feel yourself blushing.

steve harrington, at least the one you got to know, was never bold like that. he was always just... well, you guys have always been friends. yeah, you liked him and sometimes you felt like maybe he liked you too, but he never went for it. any little moment the two of you had, he would kind of find a way to get out of, so after a while you assumed he didn't feel the same. so hearing that was shocking... but god awful creation? he went from "not my favorite" to that?

"i have many mixed emotions with what you just said," you replied quietly referring to your beloved candy. you looked up at him, "but i'd like that a lot."

he grinned. he closed the space between the two of you, caressed your cheek, and brought your lips to his.

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