you stood behind a door as you heard mike and will arguing. will was tired of being ignored and mistreated by his friends. which, you agreed was not right. he deserved to be cared for and loved. mike and lucas only cared about girls. you were one, but you disliked seeing your friends so worked up about them and no longer interested in playing d&d like old times.
"it's not my fault you don't have someone who's into you!" mike yelled at will. will looked taken back—hurt.
all you saw was red in your vision. mike was being the biggest asshole ever. you loved el, but he shouldn't be treating his friends like utter trash because of what's going on between them.
"wait will," you heard mike plea, but the sound of a bike being picked up and ridden on wet mud confirmed that he was leaving.
"you're an asshole, mike!" you yelled once will was far enough to not hear you.
mike turned and he seemed upset with himself. "i-i didn't mean to—"
"he went through hell and back, mike. he was gone for so long. you claim to have missed him, but here you are being a shitty ass friend." you glared at mike.
he seemed taken back from your harsh words. you felt mean to be talking to your friend like that, but he needed to be put in check.
"all he wants is to hang out with us again, mike. like, really hang out with us. we've been growing up without him. he was stuck in the same cycle with the mind flayer for two years." you started picking up your own bicycle. you mounted it and turned back, "if you care about him, if you truly care about him, give him time to be your friend." you rode off into the rain, after will.
you peddled as fast as you could, fighting against the mud. finally, you were able to see a flash of will's bike. "will!" you yelled.
he stopped abruptly and turned to face you. he seemed confused, "y/n?"
you stopped next to him and breathing heavily. "yes, it's me."
"what are you doing here? it's raining! you could get sick," he took a rain coat from inside his backpack and handed it to you.
"i could say that same thing to you." you smiled as you put on his warm jacket. a small smile appeared on his face, which warmed your heart.
"mike's being an ass. he's truly sorry as is lucas." you were still standing out in the rain, but being with will made nothing else matter.
he frowned, "i miss them."
"i know. girls—we can sometimes be a little difficult," you teased. "they will come to their senses," you dismounted your bicycle and walked to will. he got off his as well. you hugged him tightly. "mike was wrong, you know?"
"about?" he muttered into your neck.
you mentally prepared yourself for the embarrassment, but you couldn't let will believe no one liked him, that no one felt anything towards him when you were head over heels for him. "that nobody likes you.. as in likes likes you."
he stiffened against your touch. you mentally punched yourself. this was going to become awkward quickly.
he held you at shoulders length, "you mean that?" he said as he stared at you. water was dropping down his face making him look extremely attractive. his hair was messy as well, which you loved.
"of course," you muttered staring right back at him.
he grinned. "who do you think it is? do you think it's that one girl from bio?"
you pushed him away playfully, "asshole." you grabbed your bike and mounted it.
he was laughing so much, clutching his stomach as he tried to get on his bike.
you began peddling away, a smile on your face.
"oh cmon, y/n! that was funny." he called after you as he approached you quickly.
you turned to watch will staring at you happily as he rode his bike, "you're still an ass."
"an ass that you apparently love with every inch of your being." he grinned.
"ew," you scrunched your nose and laughed.
both of you rode your bikes in the rain laughing and joking all the way to will's house. love was definitely in the air—rain.

Stranger Things Imagines
FanfictionA book of imagines for the characters of Stranger Things. Some may be long, some may be short, some may be turned into short stories. Enjoy. Requests accepted sometimes.