visiting the pools didn't seem like such a bad idea in the middle of a hot summer day, so you decided to go.
you sat on one of the beach chairs and sighed. you definitely regret going. a couple of old moms were gossiping about the lifeguard who, by the way, seemed far too young for them. you shivered feeling a deep sense of disgust.
"look at him move," one of them muttered. she bit her red lips. you stared at her with disgust plastered all over your face.
you decided to get away from them and stepped near the pool. you were walking around the deep end cautiously. you were not a very good swimmer, so you didn't want to have any sort of accidents. although, you definitely thought too soon.
as you were walking away, a boy ran passed you and accidentally pushed you into the pool. you waved your hands in the air and shrieked before splashing into the water.
many most likely thought you were okay since no one cared to help. you felt yourself scream, but only water bubbles formed. you began to panic. you started splashing your hands everywhere. you were falling deeper into the abyss. you saw a sudden splash of water and someone approached you, moving gracefully in the water.
they grabbed your waist and pulled you towards the top. you gasped for air once you were above water. you took quick breathes and held on to the person.
"are you alright?" the boy asked. you turned to stare at his light brown eyes. his curls were now drenched with water. it was the lifeguard that the women were gawking at. from up close, he was definitely a sight.
"i'm okay," you muttered. "thank you for saving me."
"of course. it's my job. though, i promise you i still wouldn't have let you drowned even if it wasn't. what's your name?" he pulled you towards the edge of the pool.
"i'm y/n. what's yours?" you asked him. he grabbed your waist again and helped you onto the floor.
"hargrove. billy hargrove." he flashed a beautiful smile. half his body was still in the water while you sat at the edge of the pool. he had his arms crossed and resting on the edge right next to you.
you felt a small blush form on your cheeks. you instantly heard some whispers. you turned to see the older ladies with scowls on their faces. "you know they—"
"i know. i just accept it since i know they wouldn't stop if i asked." he genuinely seemed uncomfortable by their remarks.
"i'm sorry you have to go through that," you told him.
"it's okay. this whole experience will be better if you stop by often," he grinned. "preferably on saturday's and sunday's between ten and six."
you couldn't help but smile. "shouldn't you be doing your job right now?" you looked down at him.
he grinned again and nodded his head. "i definitely should. don't want any other dorks drowning now, would i?"
"hey!" you pouted which earned a beautiful laugh from him.
"i'll see you here more often?" he asked as he pushed himself out of the water.
"definitely." you replied without ripping your eyes off of his.

Stranger Things Imagines
FanfictionA book of imagines for the characters of Stranger Things. Some may be long, some may be short, some may be turned into short stories. Enjoy. Requests accepted sometimes.