Instagram | Finn Wolfhard

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Liked by uncle_jezzy, and 765,902 others.
Finnwolfhardofficial can you tell that my thoughts are all about you?

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uncle_jezzy Your time will come.
therealcalebmclaughlin hmmmmmm
strangestfinn3000 I LOVE YOU
filliestan_stranger get back together please!
y/u/n ah, all i can think about is . . . (almost) ginger hair? you must be a (almost) weasley
finnwolfhardoffical @y/u/n i might just (almost) be
y/u/n holy shit

Milliebobbiebrown liked your post

(I'm going to use Zendaya pictures in place of "you" so, just think of yourself hehe)

Liked by y/f/n and 75 others

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Liked by y/f/n and 75 others.
Y/u/n me checking to see whether i'm alright because finn replied to my comment

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y/f/n i'd be dead if i were you
y/u/n @y/f/n trust me i think i am
joshsandersontwo beautiful as always
y/u/n hearted this comment
finnsfunnysmile you're so lucky to have gotten a reply lol
y/u/n @finnsfunnysmile i do consider myself very lucky :')

finnwolfhardofficial liked your post
finnwolfhardofficial commented: please be okay haha
finnwolfhardofficial is now following you

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