song listened to while writing: beside you by 5sos
"i did not know the y/n y/l/n liked smoking weed," eddie stared at you as if you were the strangest thing on earth. you looked back at him, shook your head and then laughed.
"you don't know a lot about me, eddie." you replied. you stared at the curly haired boy in front of you. you had been talking to him for the last 20 minutes. this normally takes less than 5, but being around him was great despite what you had heard. he was very charming. he knew exactly how to make you laugh.
"well i'd like to."
you had to admit, as dorky as he was, he was also very handsome. you had never made a deal with eddie before. josh was your guy, but josh was out of town and you couldn't go long without it so you sought elsewhere.
so there you were chatting it up with eddie munson who was surprisingly a chill guy.
"you know what? 20% off just for you," he grinned.
" you.. maybe have anything stronger?" you looked up from the table and made eye contact with him. his eyes sparkled.
"you know," you chuckled nervously and kicked something under his couch, "it should be around here somewhere i—"
and just when you were having a great time and we're about to have an even better one with him, you were interrupted.
"eddie?" a girl came through the door.
eddie didn't even look at her, he was staring at you with the little bag in his hand. you closed your eyes feeling a bit disappointed for some odd reason. you made eye contact with him and smiled, "keep the change." you placed a bill on the table and took the little bag from him. then, walked out the door without another word.
why even throw yourself into that situation? nope, after what happened with steve, you were done letting boys confuse the shit out of you. you weren't even going to let eddie get the chance. you felt it. you felt that tiny little spark that meant maybe.
eddie couldn't stop thinking about you all day and night that weekend. he'd always known about you and had always seen you around school, of course he had. everyone talked about the y/n y/l/n and the steve harrington and then everyone talked about the split.. kinda shitty if you asked him. steve was at a party and confessed his love for nancy... while y/n was there.... right next to him.
and though eddie wasn't there, he could see you throwing your drink all over steve like everyone said you did.
anyway, he never thought he would ever be able to hold a conversation with you and actually make you laugh and shit. and on top of that, you had still wanted to hang out with him... and then his ex ruined it.
diane was the hardest person to break up with. he had tried time after time to let her down gently and she did not care. and of course, she came at the worst moment.
i wish i was beside you
that line came to his head with a nice lil ringtone to it. he grabbed his electric guitar and began to play around with it.
by the end of the night, he had a full song written to you in his notebook.
and though rare for him, he wanted nothing more than to face you and sing it to you. he somehow could already picture your face while listening to it.
"y/n y/l/n came to my house. holy shit." he grinned like a little boy. he was laying on his bed facing the ceiling with his guitar on his stomach and that's how he fell asleep.
when you arrived at school the following monday, eddie munson was leaning against the school's doors with his guitar strapped behind him.
you could see that he was getting many looks, even from the girls at school.
what was he doing?
you thought about just saying hi and then continuing about your day but you were supieses to see he was waiting for you.
"y/n," he walked towards you as you got closer, "come." that is all he said with his hand stretched out to you.
you thought about it for a second. before friday, you barely knew a thing about eddie munson. who knows? that girl might have even been his girlfriend. what if what everyone said was true? what if he truly was a cult leader. or or or or or...
..but you didn't care. you were tired of living the same day over and over again. you were tired of pretending like hawkins wasn't a fucked up town. you had spent your days and nights getting high as shit just to pretend like the world isn't a shitty place. so, fuck it.
you reached out to him with a smile and let him take you who knows where.
ok i know the song had almost 0 to do with the imagine but i was listening to 5sos after idk how many years 🥺 and it brought me back & it inspired me to write so yay

Stranger Things Imagines
FanfictionA book of imagines for the characters of Stranger Things. Some may be long, some may be short, some may be turned into short stories. Enjoy. Requests accepted sometimes.