toy | steve harrington

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Steve ditched you for a party, again. Steve did not let you come with him, again. Steve was hanging out with Genevieve again.

You were upset knowing that he chose to go to a party instead of a movie with you, but what frustrated you even more was that he refused to let you accompany him.

You couldn't help but have an uneasy feeling in your stomach. This wasn't unfamiliar. He goes to a party, doesn't let you go, and turns out he's with that annoying Genevieve girl who is always all up on him who you knew he would be with since freshman year.

You had no doubt in your mind that he would have his arm around her at the party. She would giggle and lean into him and have her hand on his thigh just like she always did.

You were not exclusive with Steve. He wasn't your "boyfriend", but not because you didn't want him to be. He just had a history of not staying loyal to one person. You didn't want that hurt for you. Making it official would make it easier for him to hurt you.

Not that he didn't already. You not officially being together didn't make it hurt any less. You were one hundred percent sure that you were in love with Steve Harrington.

As for whether he was in love with you? Unsure. He hated seeing other boys around you. He hated when you would hang out with Jonathan. He especially hated when Billy was around you. Billy didn't care whether Steve threatened him or not. Billy kept coming around and finding ways to flirt with with you.

Steve hated it, but he didn't ever seem like he hated it because he loved you. Was he possessive? Hell yes. Did he love you? Who knows. Most likely not. Especially since he never really asked you to be his girlfriend and because he still hangs around Genevieve even though you don't like him being around her.

Yet, some part of you hoped that maybe he did love you or at least truly care for you. Steve could be mean, but he could also be super gentle around you and thoughtful.

You finally decided that you were going to go to that party whether Steve liked it or not. He was no one to exclude you from having fun.

You decided to wear the red dress that Steve went crazy for. The one that he's been begging you to wear only around him. It would be the first time he sees you in it. It was short and hugged your body perfectly.

You knew for a fact that you were slightly overdressed for a high school party, but you didn't care.

You walked up the steps to the house and ignored the whistles. You didn't crave anyone else's reactions but his.

Once you spotted him, your heart dropped. You knew this is what you would see, but a small part of you hoped he would be as far away from her as possible. She was leaning against his shoulder and laughing at something someone was saying. Steve didn't have his arm around her or wasn't leaning into her, but she was still right there touching him.

You took a deep breath and gulped. You would not show him how upset he made you. You marched right towards them and pretended to only notice them then. "Steve, hey," you said as causal as possible.

Steve jumped forward instantly, pushing Genevieve off of him unintentionally. He was wide eyed as he stared at you completely. You could see the hunger and anger in his eyes.

You innocently licked your lips and stared at him. You tried to hide the smirk on your face that was threatening to form due to Genevieve's annoyed look. You sat across from him and smiled. "What are you guys doing?" You asked the group of people huddled around. He stared at him as you crossed your legs.

"Just chillin'," someone replied. He lifted his red cup and winked right before downing everything inside.

"Woah, who's been hiding you?"

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