you are you | part three | dustin henderson

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three weeks have passed and dustin still hadn't said a word to you or steve for that matter. he had been so excited to see steve and he was now acting as if they were strangers.

the others gradually came up to you throughout the first week apologizing for not believing you. you felt slightly guilty knowing that you were a liar and they shouldn't believe you. yet, you smiled and "forgave" them (there was nothing to forgive).

spending three weeks with steve helped distract you from the constant thoughts of dustin that ran through your head. you missed him dearly even if it meant that you'd probably be hearing non-stop about suzie. you realized then that you were making a sour face so you returned to neutral.

you were snapped out of your thoughts by steve's playful voice.

"should i be offended that while i'm hanging out with my girlfriend she's thinking about some other guy?"

"fake," you reminded him with a grin and shoved him playfully. you had not noticed but he had returned with popcorn, slurpees, and sweets.

"it's nice hanging out with you even though the others aren't around. you're really taking this seriously, aren't you?" you grabbed the popcorn and stuffed it in your mouth.

"oh no," he had that grin on his face. the grin that said I HAVE A DEVILISH PLAN COOKING UP.

"they're here aren't they?" you said while munching on the sweet and buttery popcorn.

"mhm," steve said feeling proud of himself. he had a cute smile on his face as he chewed on licorice.

regardless, steve has been doing an amazing job. he would pick you up and take you to mike's house and he would take you on "dates" where you truly enjoyed yourself. it was fun being with steve. you truly believed that anyone who was truly in the receiving end of his love would be extremely special. you remember when you used to wish that steve would just look at you, but even now when you were with him all the time, you could only think of one boy who was not him.

you laughed and began walking with him to the theater A6. as you walked besides him, you saw the back of dustin's hair as he entered the same theater you were assigned to.

your heart began to pound quickly in your body. you had seen him plenty of times before at mike's house, but you still felt afraid every time you came near him. you grabbed more popcorn and began to eat due to nerves. you were just about to open the door when you shook your head and turned around, but steve stopped you with the hand holding his slurpee.

"relax, y/n. you'll be okay," he wrapped his arm around you and pulled you closer because he wanted to sip his drink.

you couldn't help but feel relaxed. it shouldn't be hard looking at dustin, you thought. sure, he was in love with some other girl. and sure he offended you, but he was your friend above anything else.

though you secretly hoped he would feel a little jealous once he saw you and steve together. you both entered the doors to the dark room. some of the lights were still on, but it was much darker than the corridor you had just come from.

you spotted dustin instantly. you know how you turn to stare at whoever enters a room just because your brain automatically tells you to? well, that's probably what happened to dustin because he was already staring at you. he seemed to frown and looked towards mike instead.

"y/n!" max called out from the top row, in between lucas and mike.

you smiled and nodded your head towards her. you could see the small shock the others had as they looked between you and steve. he still had his arm around you. they had already seen you two together, but never so touchy.

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