The van ' 002

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"WHAT THE FUCK?" I said to myself, when I turned the corner there was a black van pulling around. I continued walking nonetheless, the van came to a sudden stop. I scrunched up my eyebrows. A man came out, his face was painted white, he had a top hat, he was odd looking. I turned around to walk away when he grabbed my wrist. I screamed. "AHH WHAT THE FUCK" I scream to the top of my lungs. I was scared shitless. I didn't know what to do. "Fight." Is all I heard. "Fight.fight.fight.". I kicked the man, and I grabbed his face. He then pulled out black balloons and sprayed something in my mouth, and that, that was the last thing I could remember. I woke up in a bland room, I was on a small mattress with no blanket, there was nothing in the room, I saw a staircase leading up to a locked door. Reality hit me. The grabber. I was kidnapped. The only thing I could think about was Robin. Robin. I need to escape. For Robin. I quickly got up. I looked around the room, on the back wall there was a small black phone, it wasn't plugged in anywhere , I grabbed it, "it doesn't work". I jumped, I turned around to see the grabber , "you shithead!" I yelled at him. "Oh my , that wasn't so nice" he said. "Neither is kidnapping fucking kids you lunatic!" I yelled. He let out a laugh, "nothing will happen to you, you won't be hurt" he said. "Oh yeah? SO THEN EXPLAIN WHY BRUCE WAD HURT, WHY VANCE WAS HURT, WHY BILLY WAS HURT?? THATS RIGHT YOU PIECE OF SHIT!" I yelled. His voice turned dark, he walked toward me, "don't be naughty little girl, you'll regret it" he said. I rolled my eyes. He then walked out the door, it locked. I kicked the bed. "What the fuck, what the fuck" I said tears spilling out of my eyes. I looked around the room, escape. I thought. I needed to escape. I got up and walked to the bathroom, there was a toilet and some Matt's. I picked up a Matt and rolled it toward the small vent at the top of the wall. I climbed up and grabbed the vent, it wouldn't budge. I sighed, I grunted and pulled harder, nothing. I jumped down if it was possible Bruce would have done it, or Vince. I thought to myself. I looked over at the bathroom, I grabbed the toilet tank lid and took it off. I went over to the door and I waited. Waited for him to come back. That's when the phone rang. I scrunched up my eyebrows. How? I walked over to the phone, I slowly picked it up, "hello?" I asked. "Don't hang up" someone on the other line said. I jumped. I didn't think someone would be there. "Who is this? How are you calling" I asked frantically. "You probably don't know" they said. "Who the hell are you??" I asked. "It's uhh me Bruce," "Ramada?" I asked. "Yeah that's me" he said. "Are you ok?? Where are you??" I asked. "Look, the grabber he's dangerous, that's why I'm calling, that's why we all are" he said. "I don't understand." I said. "Veronica , we were grabbed, you need to make it out of here" he said. I then realized what was happening. The dead kids who were victims of the grabber were calling. "Oh oh my god" I said. "It's ok, don't hit him with the tank" he said. "What why?" I asked. "Bc hell punish you." I sighed. "How do i get out?" I asked. "Just wait" Bruce said, then the phone hung up. I sighed and out the phone back, tears spilling from my eyes, I started sobbing.

                        * third person pov *

Robin waited outside the school fence where he and Roni usually met up, he glanced over to see a new missing kid flyer, he walked over to it. His stomach sunk, his throat got dry, he couldn't believe it. "Veronica Rodriguez" it read. The picture was of her smiling sitting at her desk, her head propped up with her hand. Robin recognized the picture , he took it. His hands started shaking. That's when someone tapped his shoulder, it was finny. Finny moved him out the way to see the flyer. His eyes widened in disbelief. Gwen who was beside him put her hand to her mouth, Veronica was like a sister to her, tears threatened to spill from her eyes. Robin walked off, his fists. The beginning of school was a blur to him, he walked into the gym for the assembly for Roni. He wasn't really listening to the speech, he was busy thinking about how hurt she could, how scared. Something that snapped him out of his thoughts , Mason and his friends were laughing. "Aww what's the little girl gonan do now" "she's probably already rotting In hell" they snickered. His jaw clenched, everyone was already staring at him. When the assembly needed he stormed up to Mason. "You think this shit is funny??" Robin asked. "Hilarious". The two eventually broke out into a fight.

                         * Veronica's pov *

I sobbed. I didn't know what to do. I couldn't give up. I can't. I wiped my tears, I looked around, everywhere, what do I do. I thought. That's when the door opened. The grabber, he had someone over his shoulder, "brought you a friend" he said sweetly. I widened my eyes, he layed the boy down on the bed. It was finny. My jaw dropped and I turned to him. "You piece of shit!" I yelled. "Why the hell are you bringing kids here!! It's like your buying them in bulk! Your fucking insane!" I yelled. I didn't notice that finny woke up. "Oh don't you yell at me little girl." The grabber said. "Fuck off you cock sucking coward" I said angrily. The grabber grabbed me by the neck and slammed me on the grounded, he started beating me with a belt. I didn't dare react. I learned that with my mom, when she hit, don't react , it's what they want. He soon stopped, he spit on me and walked out. I sat up and silently cried, that's when finny touched my shoulder, I jumped, "Veronica?" He asked. His jaw dropped. I wiped my tears, "we need to get out of here" I said. "I know, but - but how?" He asked. I turned and pointed to the phone. "That's how."

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