Breakfast' 20

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"RONI, RONI GET UP" gwen  said shaking me awake, I groaned and opened my eyes that were still slightly squinted from the light, "God what time is it" I said, "time for you to get up" someone who's voice was much deeper than gwen or donnas i looked over to the person and it was my boyfriend. I rolled my eyes at him, "seriously what time is it" I asked. "It's 7:00 am" Donna replied, "what the hell why are you all up so early" I said, Donna smiled, "your not the only one! We have to wake up Finney next" she said. "Why are we getting up so early" I said my voice still slightly raspy due to the fact I just woke up. Donna and gwen smiled at eachother, "everyone's going home because gwen wants to give Finney a pep talk and get him to ask me out" she said. I raised an eyebrow, "that's the only reason we are waking up at 3 am?" I asked suspiciously, "welll we want you and Robin to go get us breakfast while Donna goes home to find out places to ask Finney out if he doesn't grow some balls" gwen said. I squinted my eyes at her but nonetheless agreed, "fine" I said with a sigh, they both smiled, "ok!" She said. "Right now?" I asked, "yep" she said popping the p. "Ok then" I said getting up, I slipped on my converse and quickly combed my hair so me and Robin could go, "wait, with what money" I said turning around, "that's the thing.. we are all broke" she said. "So what do we do?" I asked. "Figure it out, bye!" She said pushing us out the door. "Ok.." I said. "What do we do?" I asked turning to Robin, "well I mean if I had money at home we could get it but I spent it all on the Texas chainsaw massacre for me and finn" he said rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly, "awh how cute Robin arrellano buying for his buddy" I said pinching his cheek jokingly, he knocked it off with my hand, "stopp" he said embarrassed, "well lucky for you I might have a little bit of cash so I'll sugar mommy you" I said winking, he nudged me with his elbow before putting an arm around me, we walked to my house in comfortable silence, we stopped at the front door as I turned the knob I looked over to Robin, "Um maybe you should stay outside" I said. I was embarrassed of what my home might look like due to my dad, he scrunched up his eyebrows, "why?" He asked, "um.. well my dads back -" I said and he cut me off, "it's fine, seriously, Im never gonna judge you or your home okay?" He said, I smiled at him in admiration, I really had the best boyfriend, I smiled and nodded, I didn't realize his hand was placed on mine at the doorknob, he slowly turned it and opened the door for me, I smiled and as we walked in I was shocked, the place was clean, "uh dad?" I yelled, no answer. I sighed as I walked over to the note that was placed on the fridge, "veronica, I left for a week to go to a retreat for alcoholics , I am sorry for Ku disappearance, love you kid" I sighed as I put the note and turned to Robin, "he's um on a trip" I said trying to muster up a smile. Robin nodded, "I'll go get the money um you can stay here or come up to my room I don't mind either way" I said with a genuine smile, he smiled and we walked up to my room, "I forgot to mention, I have no fucking clue where I put it" I said. He laughed, we scrambled around my room trying to find the little bit of money we had. "Hey! I think I found it!" Robin said, he held up a couple tens that I have saved up for emergency's, this was one of them. "Okay thank God" I said walking over to him, he handed me the money and we left to go get breakfast for everyone. We walked out and I noticed there was a lot of people walking this morning, they always do, Robin noticed too and put his arm around me protectively. I just laughed at my boyfriend.

Sorry for not updating!
This is a filler chapter sorry :(
Okay but can we talk about how no chapter in this book will live up to the movies chapter, 🤭🤭 more cheesy Verbin / vobin content later I promise 🤞

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