Explained ' 003

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— "THAT PHONE DOESNT EVEN WORK THOUGH?" Finney asked. "I thought that too Finney " I said. "But it's not about how it's plugged in, it matters who's on the other side" "i don't understand Roni?" Finney said confused. "Finney, we aren't the grabbers first victims" I said trying to explain it in the best way possible. "but we could be his last, if we listen to them" I said pointing to the phone. "What are you saying?" He asked. "I'm saying Bruce? Vance? Billy? Remember them? They are our way out, we just have to listen to what they need to say" I said. "Are you saying they are on the phone? Does that mean they are ok?" He asked. I sighed, "no, that's how they are calling, they aren't at another phone, they are here." I said walking toward the phone. Finneys mouth fell open, "oh" he said. I nodded, "oh" I replied. "Have you talked to them?" He asked. I nodded, "once, it was Bruce" he nodded. I was about to say something else when the grabber barged in with a tray that had two plates on it, they both had eggs on it, two glass soda cans were beside each plate. I looked up at him, his mask gave me shivers everytime, "can't let ya starve can't I?" He said with a giggle. "What did you put in this?" Finney asked. "Salt and pepper" he replied. I scrunched my eyebrows. I looked at the glass bottle then at the grabber, he turned to walk out, I grabbed the bottle, I slowly crept behind him before he went out the door and slammed the bottle on his head. I jumped back, he slowly turned around, "you naughty naughty girl" he said with a snicker, "I'm afraid I'll have to punish you". "Wasnt kidnapping me a harsh enough punishment shithead?" I asked. He laughed lowly, "I'm afraid not. You are quite different girl, you just won't back down will you? Your lucky your the first girl I've got my hands on" he said walking toward me. My heart beat sped up, I backed away, "don't back away from me, or else it will last longer" he said. He then grabbed my wrist and put me in a head lock, he carried me to the bathroom. My breathing started to get shakier, he slammed me on the ground, I turned around, "please , please don't, hit me, kill me, please not this" I said trying to scoot away as far as possible. "Oh now that would ruin the fun wouldn't it?" He said. He grabbed my shirt and slammed me down, I heard him unzip his pants, "no please stop , STOP" I yelled. He began. I cried the entire time, when he was done he got up and zipped his pants, "your pretty face is goin to hell" he said, he then walked out the door, I quickly fixed myself, I tried my hardest not to cry, I looked at the toilet, I threw up. Finney walked in, "are - are you ok?" He asked. I looked up at him, "we need to get out of here, soon" I said. He nodded.

                     * 3rd person pov *

Robin sat on the floor of his bedroom, he was looking at the new missing person flyer , it was his friend Finney, did that mean the grabber already got rid of Roni? He didn't want to think about possibilities like that. He couldn't stand the thought of living without her, he thought back to what most people said to him , "your inlove with her dude just admit it". He thought back to how half the school thought they were dating, he didn't want to admit his feelings , he couldn't. Especially now with the possibility she could be gone. So , he got up, he decided he needed to look for them , for Roni , for Finney.

Gwen sat in her room, her brother was gone, the only thing she will ever have to a sister was gone. Last night she had a dream of Roni, she was in a corner, crying, saying "please no , no , hurt me , kill me" . She couldn't shake the thought, Roni was a tough girl, it was crazy even seeing her cry, and then she had one of Finney , he was beating on the door, trying to get out, to get help. She didn't know what to do. Her dad told her that her dreams "were just dreams" and that they didn't mean anything, but what if this was the key to getting them to escape?

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