rain ' 014

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"OH MY GOD ITS FUCKING RAINING" I said with a groan. Robin laughed and put his arm around me, "don't worry you'll be fine" he said. I rolled my eyes as we began walking in the pouring rain. "I actually really like the rain" I said. He nodded, "I know" he said. I raised an eyebrow, "you do?" I asked. "Of course I do" he said it like it was no big deal, "I've never told you though?" I said. "Yeah so?" He said making eye contact with me, "yeah so how'd you know I like the rain?" I said. "Because you can just tell, the way you look at it falling into your hand and your just entire vibe is calmer" he said shrugging, "did Robin Arellano just admit he observes me" I said teasing. "Did you not hear Donna?" He said. "What are you talking about?" I said. "She said we always stare at eachother in class , so yeah I observe you or whatever" he said. I felt my cheeks grow light pink , he started giving me the cold shoulder on our walk, "did I say something or are you just giving me the cold shoulder on purpose" I said stopping in my tracks. He turned around, "no it's what you aren't getting" he said rolling his eyes. "What am I not getting Robin?" I said. He raised his voice , cmon everyone can see it but you, it's making me think your ignoring it in purpose" he said. I scoffed, "I don't even know what the hell I'm supposedly ignoring" I said. "Are you that dumb" he said. I scoffed, "don't call me fucking dumb! And no I'm not I just don't understand what the hell your trying to say!" I said. "How? How could you possible not get all the signs I've been showing you" he said crossing his arms and getting closer to me. "I have no fucking clue what the hell your talking about in sighs Robin." I said yelling and walking closer to him. "Oh yeah?" He said with a scoff. "Yes!! It's what I've been trying to tell you this whole fucking time!" I said. What signs? "Oh so you just don't know what it means when I've been acting the way I have lately?" He said in a mocking tone. "Robin I'm not playing Simon fucking says, im sorry that I don't understand your signs, maybe you should just tell me upfront!" I yelled. Our faces were inches apart, "Oh you want me to tell you upfront then?" He yelled. "Yes!! Yes I fucking do Robin!!" I yelled. "Fine I will then!" He yelled back. "Alright we'll what are you waiting for, I'm all fucking ears Robin, go ahead and give your fucking speach!" I said. "Alright you wanna know what the signs meant?" He yelled. "How many fucking times do I have to say it! Yes , yes I fucking do, why the hell do you seem so scared to say what you meant!" I said , annoyance and anger laced my words. "I'm scared to say it because it could ruin everything!" He yelled. "Well obviously not saying it isn't getting us to far so you might aswell spit it fucking out" I said. Rain poured down on us, "Fine! The truth is I may be fucking inlove with you! But you won't get the hint" he yelled, regret filled his features, like it just blurted it out. He just stared at me, "see I told you it would ruin everything" he said , walking to turn around, I grabbed his wrist, "Robin Arellano, how could you not fucking tell I feel the same exact way"


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