Official ? ' 017

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"SHIT!" I said when I woke up, "my fucking alarm didn't go off" I said in an aggravated tone, I quickly scurried out of bed trying to throw on an outfit and do my hair all at once, once I was done I ran into the bathroom brushing my teeth as fast as possible, I grabbed my backpack and ran downstairs to see the clock on the oven, 7:35. I let out a sigh of relief, "just in time" I said, I walked out of my house and scrambled through my bag for my walkman, in the process of doing so I happened to bump into a certain someone, Robin. He turned around in a hurry to see who bumped into him, I could see his facial expression soften and enlighten when he saw me. He smiled, "hey" he said. "Hey, I'm sorry I was looking for my Walkman" I said with a sheepish smile, he smiled, "it's okay, I'm listening to the one you made me" he said showing the Walkman I made for him awhile ago. I smiled at him, "I didn't think you liked it" I said as we continued walking to the school, "nope, I love it" he said with a genuine smile taking off the headphones and switching it off, I continued the scramble through my bag in desperately trying to find my Walkman, we walked to school in a comfortable silence, although their was a tension there that was undeniable, most likely from the events of last night, and how we confessed our feelings for eachother. When we got to school gwen, Finney and Donna immediately approached us, "hey" gwen said with a smirk, they all stood in front of us starting before sharing a look with eachother, Donna and gwen pulled me away from the boys, "so?" Donna immediately asked with a smile, "so what?" I said not looking up from my bag still trying to find my damn Walkman, "where the hell is it" I said annoyed, "where's what?" Gwen asked asked. "My walkman" i said, "oh , Finney told me Robin had it" she said, my jaw dropped, "what!" I exclaimed, "yeah?" Donna said confused, I turned toward robins locker and he locked eyes with me a very visible smirk on his face, "looking for something?" He said. I immediately got deja vu from when he said the exact same thing two days coming back, "what the hell" I said nudging his shoulder and snatching my Walkman, "I told you I was looking for this morning and you didn't want to tell me you had it the entire time!" I said with a smile , he just stared and smirked at me, I looked to Finney, "did you know about this" I said pointing a finger at him, " to go bye lovebirds!" He said walking toward Donna, I turned back to Robin, "why did you have it" I asked, "I liked listening to it, it reminded me of you" he said, I felt my cheeks heat up and I turned to avoid eye contact with him even though I felt his stare, before he could say anything the bell cut him off. I smiled and speed walked toward my class, Robin had never made me nervous, nobody did, but now it was different. I walked into class and sat down my seat next to Donna. "Hey" she whispered, I turned my head to smile at her, "hey" I said. "So.." she started off, "are you and Robin like, official?" She asked. My eyes widened, "Um, I'm not sure" I said while rubbing the back of my neck, "we'll do you want to be?" She asked, "I mean yeah but I don't know if he does" I said. She smirked, "why don't you let him answer for you" she said and nodded her head behind me, I turned around and there Robin was sitting and staring at me with a smirk before throwing a small paper ball toward me, I scrunched my eyebrows and picked it up and uncrumbled the note, "your a loud whisperer" it read. My eyes widened in shock as I felt my face become bright pink. "Oh shit"

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