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"ROBIN , ROBINN" Roni yelled running up to the young boy, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" she said engulfing him in a hug, "woahhh Roni calm downnn" robin said hugging her back, "I got you a present!!" She said with the biggest smile on her face, she pulled out a small little gift bag and handed it to him eagerly, Robin opened the bag and his eyes lit up, in the bag was a brand new bandana, a Walkman and a card, he smiled brightly at the girl infront of him, "I love it and I love you so fucking much" he said hugging her, the girls face lit up, "I'm so glad you like it" she said , "do you remember that old playlist I made us? Well I made a new updated one I hope you like it" she said with a smile.  "I also wrote a card and it's kinda cheesy but it means a lot but you can't read it yet" she said sternly but friendly, "alright I wont" he said putting everything in the bag and putting his arm around Roni. "Your my girl you know that?" "Always."

Robin got home after school, he collected a couple of gifts but he really only cared about one. Roni's. Robin had been waiting all day to read her card, he sat on his bed and opened the bag he pulled out the bandana, the Walkman and the card, he opened the envelope and u folded the piece of paper.

Dear robin,
Okay this is like so cheesy especially to write in letter form but I don't care, it's your birthday and I wanted to tell you much you mean to me, it's crazy how far we have came. I mean it feels like yesterday we were walking to school worried about saying the grabbers name, now after everything you still are my best friend and my amazing boyfriend. It's kind of weird that without the grabber I still may have not realized my feelings, I am not saying I'm glad it happened but I am glad that with everything that has happened the past year , it has brought me the closest to you. I don't think you realize how much I love you, I am so glad I can finally say that, I am so glad I don't have to death stare any more girls when they talk to you, I still do but I know that your mine, and hopefully you will be forever and always, and I will fight for you.

- your girl, roni.

Robin smiled at the note, in that moment how lucky he really got, he got the absolute best girl friend in the world, and it was weird to think but Robin really did believe Roni was his soulmate, and between you and me, he never stopped believing that. Roni and Robin would be together , forever and always.

Rory speaking!!
Okay I know it's shorts but it was so
Sweet and I was just missing Roni and
Robin, also I just wanna say I have improved
So much on my writing, I'm so proud
I love Roni and robin

Go check out my new Matt book btw!!



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