Washed hands ' 019

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"SO WHO ASKED? ROBIN OR YOU?" Gwen asked me, "Robin" I said with a cheesy smile, me , gwen and Donna decided to have a girls sleepover, and Robin was currently in Finneys room but we promised we would stay out of each others, "that's so sweet" Donna said, I turned to her, "so what about you and Finney" I asked, she smiled, "well... I mean we have been hanging out but he still hasn't asked me" she said with slight sadness, I frowned, "I'm sure he will soon, he's probably just scared" I said. Gwen nodded, "he's kind of a pussy" she said, I hit her shoulder, "be nice gwen" I said giggling, we all burst out into laughter, "that is something coming from you veronica Rodriguez" she said shaking her head. I giggled, we all just hung out in Gwen's room, I played them some of the mixtapes I made for them and they said they loved it, it was now 2:00 am and I was awake just flipping through a magazine while gwen and Donna were passed out, I realized that I had to use the bathroom so I got up and set down the magazine, I had been at Finneys and Gwen's house multiple times but it was still hard to find in the dark, I walked down the hallway with squinted eyes trying to figure out where the bathroom was in the process of doing so I bumped into, Robin, or a better term wad my boyfriend. He squinted his eyes, "Roni?" He asked in a raspy voice, I almost melted on the spot, "hey Robin" I said in a low tone not realizing how light the words came out of my mouth, "I needed to use the bathroom" I said. He nodded, "me too, do you uh know where it is" he said with a lopsided smile. "Honestly, no" I said. He laughed a little at my comment, "well we can try to find it, I don't want to wake up Finney" he said. I nodded in agreement, we walked in the squeezed hallway trying to find the Blake's bathroom, eventually we found it, "you can go first" he said with a sweet smile, "such a gentlemen" I winked, He raised an eyebrow but I still couldn't miss the light pink shade his cheeks turned, I giggled at him being flustered, I turned to go into the bathroom and switched on the light, after I was done I walked out where Robin was waiting, he smiled, "miss me" I said teasingly, he smiled, "longest 5 seconds of my life" I smiled and watched him walk into the bathroom, when he was done he walked out, he smiled, "now I know you missed me" he said wiggling his eyebrows, "how did you know" I said, "did you wash your hands" I asked bluntly, "what the hell Roni of course i washed my hands" he said, I smiled and interlaced our hands, "whattt I'm just making sure" I said. He smiled, "did you?" He asked. "Yes Robin, I did" I said. He smiled, "would it have been a deal breaker if I didnt" I asked playfully, "there are no deal breakers with you doll" he said winking before letting go of my hand since we are infront of Gwen's room, I felt my cheeks become bright pink as I watched him walk away, I smiled and walked into the bedroom, going to bed thinking about the boy I've had feelings for is now my boyfriend.


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