Held Hands ' 015

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"WHAT?" Robin asked suddenly, "you feel the same way?" He asked. I nodded shyly, "yes, I do" I said with a cheesy grin, he pulled me into a bear hug, "thank god" he said, his chin rested on my head, I giggled, "you should have just told me Robin" I said, he pulled away from the hug, "I was scared you'd hardcore reject me" he said shaking his head. I gasped, "I would never you should know that" I said playfully hitting his shoulder, "oh yeah? Tell that to Anthony Lopez in 5th grade" he said with a smirk, my jaw dropped at the memory.

Little Veronica Rodriguez and Robin Arellano sat on the blue bench outside of the school sharing a pack of gummies, "Guess what" Robin said, "what" veronica said putting a scooby doo gummy into her mouth, "I heard someone thinks Anthony Lopez likes you" he said with a slight bit of sadness in his voice, Veronica's face immediately scrunched up, "gross" she said shaking her head. "What all the girls like him?" Robin said, he was sure that veronica liked him, which is why he may have been a little sad that day, "no way, he's weird" veronica said shaking her head while swinging her feet, that's when she looked up and saw Anthony Lopez approaching her. "Uhh Roni" Robin said knowing what may about to happen, Anthony walked up to the two with a smirk on his face, "hey veronica" he said nodding his head toward the girl, "uh hi?" Veronica replied, "I like you, we should date" he said clicking his tongue, obviously the boys ego was quite high so you can imagine how shocked she was when the girl replied, "ew no way" shaking her head, his smile faded, "what?" He said. "I said ew gross." Veronica replied, the boy rolled his eyes and stomped to the playground, Veronica looked at Robin and they both burst out laughing.

"Okay Robin that was in 5th grade though" I said giggling, "and Anthony Lopez was a dousche back then and still is now" I added. He only shook his head, "well I'm glad you didn't say ew gross when I told you" he said with a cheesy smile, I  smiled blush forming on my cheeks, "yeah well I'm really glad you told me" Robin raised an eyebrow with a small smirk, "yeah?" He said leaning down to my level, my breath hitched, "yeah" I stuttered out, our faces were inches apart, he stared in my eyes and It took me a minute to realize he was leaning in, I felt myself get closer and closer to him and then, "RONI?" someone  yelled causing our heads to snap toward the direction beside us, we were soaked and it was still storming and there stood gwen outside of her friends house with the biggest smile ever, "hey Gwen" I said awkwardly, she then yelled, "SO THE DATE WENT WELL!" I covered my face with my hands, "what are you even doing here" I yelled back. "It's the weekend soo" she yelled, "WHAT ARE YOU DOING ABT TO MAKE OUT IN THE RAIN" she yelled while laughing loudly, I flipped her off before she waved bye and went inside, Robin turned to look at me, he grabbed my hand and smiled as we walked to our homes, holding hands.

Anyways we Stan gwen

For you :: Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now