Dreams ' 005

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"FINNEY, WE CANT GIVE UP" i said to the crying boy, "Roni, why us man, what did I do to deserve this shit" Finney sobbed. "Nothing, absolutely fucking nothing Finney, the grabber is just fucked up, the world is just fucked up, sometimes the worst things happen to the best people, I swear to god Finney I'm gonna get us out of here, I'm gonna get you out of here" I said. He just cried, I knew there was nothing I could really say to calm him down, I wanted to cry too, but I needed to hold it together. I sighed as I rubbed his back, that's when the phone started ringing, I stormed over to it, "what, what the hell do you have to say, huh?? That was an ass plan" I said angrily. "I didn't do shit." Someone on the other line said , returning my tone. I immediately recognized the voice, Vance hopper. He used to be the toughest guy in school, nobody fucked with him. He was nicknamed "pinball Vance" . "Vance?" I asked. "Fucking right" he said. Finney walked up to the phone, I handed him too it, "what do we do" he asked. "The wall to the right, that looks disconnected from the other wall, you need to break it untill you see the wooden wall, that's when you get to it" he replied. "Get to what?" Finney asked. "A freezer" he said. "Thank you" Finney said, "for what?!" Vance asked angrily, "for helping us" Finney replied, "THIS ISNT FOR YOU" Vance scream, the two glass bottles on the ground began to shake, they launched in the air, one went beside Finneys head and the other beside mine. Screaming ran through my ears, it was unbearable, I covered my ears and looked over at Finney who seemed to be hearing the same thing, I slid down the wall as my head began to pound, and finally it stopped. I slowly uncovered my ears, my breathing was heavy and short, I looked over at Finney who was shaking, I gripped his shoulder softly and reassuringly and walked Over to the wall Vance mentioned earlier. I walked over to it, I let my hand roam around untill I found a spot, I kicked it in, I began to dig through the dirt and wood that stood in place of my possible escape, Finney walked over to me and began to help, we kept digging, that's when my finger it a hard wall, like a wooden board. Finney seemed to fill it to as he slowly looked over to me, I lifted my foot up and kicked as hard as I could, a small cupboard came into view to me and Finney, we stood up and admired what we've done. We squeezed in and began kicking, raw meat on the other side of us, we kicked and kicked but it was no use. The freezer wouldn't budge. "FUCK" I said as I hit the freezer. Finney sat in a corner and cried, he looked worse than earlier, he looked defeated, I sat beside him, "Finney we will get out of here" I said as I rubbed his head, "no we won't Roni, we're gonna be like every kid he's taken" he sobbed. I sighed, I had an unsettling feeling that he may be right.

                        * 3rd person pov *

Robin took as many mental notes of the house he could, he had a strong feeling that was the house that his two best friends may be in. He ran back home, he called the one person he knew wouldn't call him crazy, Finneys sister , Gwen.

As the house phone rang Gwen hurried downstairs, she always answered the phone, s little bit of hope it may be Finney or Roni. She knew it wasn't likely, but she still always hoped. "Hello?" The other person on the line said, gwen recognized the voice almost immediately, "Robin?" She asked. "Yeah it's me... can we talk?" He asked. "Of course, when?" She asked. "Um..what about right now?" He asked. This took gwen back a bit, it was very sudden, "yeah that's fine...is everything ok?" She asked. "Look gwen, I called you because your the only person who won't call me insane, I think I know where Finney and Roni are. Can we meet at fence gate?" He asked urgently. "Meet me in 10" gwen replied. The phone hung up, Robin had a small genuine on smile, he was glad she didn't call him insane like any other person would have.

"You have dreams about them?" Robin asked, he and Gwen walked side by side trying to locate the house Robin saw earlier. "Yeah.. I mean sometimes it's not exactly about them but sometimes about the grabber or other kids, but I have had a couple about them" she replied. "What were they?" Robin asked. "The first one I had was about Roni, she was in a corner of a basement of some sort, she didn't look to good, she was crying, it looked like she was scooting away from someone, I remember she was saying "please don't anything but this, kill me, hit me". Then I woke up" gwen explained. Robin stayed silent, he could never really imagine Roni crying, she was one of the toughest people he knew, "what about the one with Finney?" He asked the slightly shorter girl. "He was at a door with a glass window kinda, he was beating on it screaming for help, and in the background I could hear ronis cry's, then I woke up" she said. He nodded, "the house I think they are in, it has a glass window type of door" he said while looking at the girl, "really?" She asked. He nodded. After a while of walking they ended up going home, they couldn't  find the house but they did agree to look some more the following day.

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