plan ' 007

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"THE VENT! WE COULD USE IT!" I said to the curly haired boy beside me, we were digging a hole in the floor that was partially cracked already, "make him fall" Finney said looking up at me, I nodded, after we thought the hole was deep enough we set the small vent in and rolled a Mat over it. "Okay now we need something to defend ourselves with" Finney said, I nodded. I looked over to the small bathroom, I picked up the tank, "we can use this" I said. I then turned to the phone, I picked it up off the line and looked up at Finney, "what if we pack this with dirt?" I asked. His eyes widened, "yeah that would work!" he exclaimed, "but what about them.." I said. The phone rang immediately, "hello?" I asked, "do it" Vance said, "pack it with dirt, it will work" he said, "will we be able to call again?" I asked, silence... the land line beeped. I looked up with Finney, he handed me his rocket flashlight, I cut the cord. We packed it with dirt, "do you know how to punch?" I asked Finney, he shook his head. "Alright here take the phone" I said as I handed it to him. "Step back, step forward and swing" I said. He did it, "okay do it a couple more times" he did. "You got it, he is going to come to you first, so you have to do it, I'll be behind with the tank lid okay? We got it. It's two against one, your getting out of here with or without me Finney." I said to the boy, "Roni your gonna escape, I promise." Finney said to me. I smiled, "okay, now we wait" I said.


                       * 3rd person pov *

Gwen and Robin , ran back to the Blake's household,  gwen searched for the card the detectives gave her, when she finally found it they dialed it as fast as possible, "hello?" The detective said, "we know where they are! We have to get there I'm positive" gwen said frantically, "what's the address" gwen told the detective the address as they rushed out to meet them there, gwen biked as fast as possible as Robin sprinted down the road to the house that his two best friends may be in. They finally got there as they waited for the detectives, they finally got there and began to rush into the household.

                    * Finney and ronis pov*

Roni sat on the edge of the small mattress, the tank gripped in her hand under the bed, Finney stood up with the phone in his hand, throughout the 3 weeks of Roni being kidnapped and the 2 weeks Finney was , they began to realize a schedule the grabber had developed, he would come in at a certain point in the day, it was about time the grabber came in, the basement door slowly opened to reveal a skinny man, he wasn't the grabber. No way. "Oh my god I knew he was hiding something from me but this , this is insane" I let out a shaker breath "please, please help us" I said, Finney pleaded for help , "don't worry, i - I'm gonna help you" he said. That's when I looked up, the grabber. He stood there with an ax and a vicious looking dog, "MOVE" I yelled at the man, It was too late. The grabber raised the ax and slammed down on the man's head, he stumbled a bit before falling to the ground, dropping dead to the floor. I gasped as I looked up at the grabber, I turned to Finney. It's time. The grabber slowly walked down the steps, "look, look what you made me do" he said. "My brother May have been an idiot, but he was my idiot." Me and Finney stayed silent. The grabber chuckled lowly, "I am going to take my time with you two" he said. I grasped the tank lid even harder, my nails digging into the fixture. He looked over to Finney, "hang up the phone." He said sternly. Finney didn't move. The grabber walked slowly toward the wall, leashing the dog, I looked over to Finney, "now" I worded to him. He nodded and turned toward the grabber, he swung, the grabber stumbled back, but he didn't fall, he didn't. That was the plan, he was supposed to fall into the hole, he chuckled, "oh you naughty naughty boy" he said walking toward Finney with the ax in his hand. He raised up to swing, I slowly walked behind him, I raised the tank lid up and I swung as hard as I could, the grabber stumbled back into the hole, his fingered getting caught in the vent. My chest was rising up and down, I looked at Finney, he step backed and swung, again, and again, the grabber grabbed his ax and swung at Finney, I stopped him and grabbed his arm, slinging it side to side he managed to cut my shoulder and then my leg. I kicked his shoulder with my other leg causing the ax to fall to the ground, I grabbed his neck and motioned toward Finney, he threw me the phone and I wrapped it around his neck, Finney walked over toward me, he crouched beside the grabber as the phone rang, "it's for you" he said as he put the phone to his ear, "it's time for your pathetic little life to end" Vance said, we heard billy laughing, "Finneys arm is Mint!" Bruce said, Finney grabbed the phone and snapped it toward him, causing the cord around his neck to close all airway, the grabber fell forward. He dropped dead. Me and Finney looked at eachother, Finney grabbed a piece of meat he snuck from the freezer and through it to the dog. We looked at eachother, we were free.

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