Walkman ' 011

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"CMON FINNEY LETS JUST GO" I said tugging the curly hair boys wrist up, "she's right man" Robin said. Finney rolled his eyes, "as if you wouldn't agree with her" he said with a smirk. "What is that supposed to mean" I said narrowing my eyes, "exactly what you think it means" Finney said. I dropped his wrist causing him to fall to the ground, gwen and Robin erupted into laughter while Finney rolled his eyes, "now cmon let's go" I said. He hugged and stood up, the group made our way outside and walked to the school, even though the grabber was dead I couldn't help but still feel paranoid, Robin took notice to my body language and grabbed my hand to reassure me, I gave him a small thanking smile, he just stared at me, we finally made it into the school, obviously me and Finney were a little nervous about returning, "you think anyone is gonna mess with us" Finney asked. "No way" Robin said, "yeah you guys escaped a kidnapper" gwen said. "Plus Finney I'm sure that girl Donna you like will think your pretty badass now" I said giggling, his cheeks got red as he nudged me into Robin, gwen told us good luck and made her way to the second stair case into the lower grades, "here goes nothing" Finney said. As soon as we walked in everyone stared at us whispering, I looked at Robin, he just nodded at me, we made it too our lockers and when I got to mine there was flowers and carving In it, I scrunched up my eyebrows, "what the hell" I said, Robin and Finney went to their own lockers leaving me by myself to ponder around the small gifts at my locker, the words, "r.I.p, "miss you <3 , rest easy" and other carvings were in my locker, I looked over to Finneys to see he had some aswell, I opened my locker and there were flowers and notes scattered on the bottom, I picked up one of the notes, "rest easy Veronica " it read. I decided it would be better to ignore the rest of the notes and decided to just get my books and head to class. Before I could even close my locker the bell rang. "Great" I mumbled under my breath. I looked around and I saw no sign of Finney or Robin. I walked toward my classroom and slowly opened the door, "your late" the teacher said without looking at me, "uh sorry" I said. She shot her head up, "oh , um I am sorry veronica you may take a seat" she said. I scrunched up my eyebrows, "okay?" I said. I walked toward my desk by Robin, he looked up at me, I looked down at my desk to see more carvings in it, I remember when people would do this for Vance and bruce, they usually did it for all the missing kids. The school day went on and on but it was finally time to go. Me, robin, Finney and gwen all walked home together, I still had no sign of my dad. "okay here we go" I mumbled under my breath as I walked up to the steps to my home. "Dad?" I called out. "Dad?" I said even louder. I walked over to the landline and dialed his number. Nothing. I sighed, my dad had these episodes when something big went down in his life, it's a reason why mom left him, I sighed and went up to my bedroom. Nothing had changed, my dirty black converse were still in the corner, my notebook was still open, I u over to it to see what I was writing the day before I went missing, it was song titles, then it hit me, I was making a play list for my friends, this one was for Robin. I smiled and sat down. I looked at the songs, it was a list of  songs that reminded me of him. I then remembered my Walkman! I got up and looked around my room for it, "where is it" I said under my breath. "Where's what" someone said from my doorway. I jumped back, it was Robin. "shit Robin don't do that" I said. He smiled, "sorry" he said. I shook my head. "Looking for this?" He said, he held up my Walkman. "Holy shit howd you find this?" I said grabbing the Walkman. He smiled, "when you went missing I listened to your playlist on repeat" he said avoiding eye contact. I smiled, "thank you so much" I said. He smiled and walked over to my desk. "What's this?" He asked looking at the paper. "Robins playlist" he read aloud. My eyes widened and I slammed my hand on the paper, "you can't look at that" I said with a smile. "And why not?" He asked raising an eyebrow. "Because I said so.." I said. "Oh yeah?" He asked. "Yep" I said nodding. He stared at me with a smirk before grabbing me and tossing me on the bed, "Robin you bitch!" I said laughing. He ran back to the desk, "teenage kicks?" He asked with a smirk, I threw a pillow at him, "Robin you weren't supposed to see that yet" I said trying to grab the notebook. He grabbed it before I could get it, "drivers seat?" He said with a smirk. I rolled my eyes, "I think I was writing it the day before I went missing, Finney and Gwen have a page too, but theirs have no songs yet" I said. He smirked, "cherry bomb" he asked clicking his tongue. "Fuck you" i said my cheeks heating up.

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