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"TELL ME HOW THE DATE GOES!!" Donna explained, I had called her after my "realization". I was scared, of my feelings, I honestly have never felt like that for anyone at all, romantically anyway. I could never stop thinking about him, hell the first thought when I was kidnapped was about him. I have never been one to be cheesy and let my guard down, but around Robin I couldn't help it. It scared me, what if he didn't feel the same way? Honestly, I don't know what I would do. We are dating, but that doesn't mean he loves me. He could just like me, we have never said the three big words, I don't know if it's because he didn't feel it or he was afraid, but Robin has never been one to be afraid, like ever. I couldn't help but continue this long never ending thought process while getting ready for me and robins date tonight. I went simple, I didn't put much thought into it, you know what scratch that, I couldn't put much thought into it. My mind was else where, on the boy who so happened to be knocking on my door right now. I let out a shaky sigh as I walked down to my front door, I opened it and there he stood, I couldn't help but notice the way his breath hitched everytime we made eye contact, there was a tension in the air, not awkward, but just like there was something being unsaid, "you look great" he said with a smile as he interlaced our hands, I smiled, "thank you" I said, "where are we going anyway" I asked, he didn't really tell me where we would be going, just that we were going on a date. "It's a suprise" he said with a smirk, "ok.." I said laughing, we walked untill we came upon the arcade that we had our first date at, the same street we confessed at, where it all started. I smiled as I turned to him, "you are sooo cheesy Robin arrellano" I said laughing, he playfully rolled his eyes, "sorry I'm a great boyfriend" he said. I smiled, "yeah, I guess you are" I said as we walked into the arcade. "Ooh! Let's play just dance!" I said excitedly. "Fine" he said as he let me drag his wrist along, the music started playing as the steps to the game showed up, me and Robin both sucked honestly, "we were so bad" I said laughing at our score, he smiled and shook his head, "not as bad as you are at air hockey" he said smugly, "I beat you last time!" I said hitting his shoulder, he only laughed, "do you want to get pizza?" He asked, "yeah sure!" I said. We walked over to the booth just talking about random things, an old lady who sat beside us was just smiling, she seemed sweet so I smiled back, "I have to use the restroom" I said to Robin as I scooted out of the booth, he nodded with a smile.

                        * 3rd person pov *

Robin watched his beautiful girlfriend slide out of the booth to use the restroom, he couldn't help but notice how she smiled at the elderly lady beside him, how she was so kind to people, he really loved her, he just didn't know how to say it, he could never find the right time, and when it was the right time he felt his words get choked up just by looking at her, she was so beautiful. Robin sat drumming his fingers on his bouncing leg, that's when the old lady beside him turned to her, "you know young man, she really loves you" she said with a smile, Robin felt his lips curve upward as he asked, "how do you know ma'am?" The lady smiled, "she looks at you the way I used to look at my husband dear, that's something you will never find, don't let her go" she said with a wink, Robin sat shocked, he started thinking, the old lady had helped Robin find the courage to tell his girlfriend how he felt, just not yet.

                             * Ronis pov *

I washed my hands and exited the bathroom, I fiddled with the hem of my shirt as I walked back to the boy who I realized I was literally in love with. I checked my back pocket for the little bracelet I had made him, I didn't know whether to give it to him or not, it wasn't anything special, as I walked to the booth and sat down I noticed robin had changed, he seemed more confident in something, his shoulders were raised, he had a smile on his face and his chin was up, he usually looked like this but something had been off tonight. I smiled as I slid back into my seat, the pizza now set on the table. "Hey" he said with a smile. "Hey" I said laughing a little, "what's is so funny huh" he said with a wide smile, "nothing, I just laugh when I feel the need to" I said, he raised an eyebrow with a smirk, "why did you feel the need to laugh" he said, "I don't know" I said scrunching my eyebrows with a crooked smile at his sudden outburst im confidence. "Do I make you nervous" he said tilting his head, "I don't know, do you" I said mirroring his actions, we immediately burst out into laughter, in that moment I realized that not only my guard was down but I felt a skip in my heart beat, I admired him from afar, I couldn't help but think I was so lucky. The arcade musics sudden change caught my attention, the song cherry bomb started playing, I felt red immediately spread across my cheeks at the memory. He seemed to be having the same train of thought as he turned to me with a smirk, "hey isn't this the song that reminded you so much of me" he said cocking his head. I rolled my eyes, "ehh idk that Robin wasn't as cheesy" I said teasingly, he put a fake hand to his heart, "I am not cheesy" he said, I rolled my eyes jokingly, "yeah and neither is that pizza arrellano". He smiled, "oh yeah, well of im cheesy do you want a pizza of my heart" he said proudly. I stared at him, "Robin Arellano don't ever make that joke again" I said with a straight face, we stared at eachother before bursting out laughing again. We decided it was time to go as we walked out of the arcade, it was raining. I felt major deja vu coming to me again, "deja vu huh?" He said. I nodded, "absolutely" I said. We walked home in silence, until we came to a certain street, the street we confessed on. I felt all the events unravel right infront of me, Robin cleared his throat before turning to me, "Um Roni? Can I tell you something" he said nervously, "always" I said facing him, "well Um at the arcade today , when you left to go to the bathroom the old lady beside was telling me you look at me a certain way and it was about her husband and honestly I'm rambling right now because basically I'm just trying to tell you I love you" he said quickly, I felt my jaw drop, "Robin I love you to, so so much" I said, his smile immediately rose back up, "actually?" He said, I smiled, "actually." I then remembered the bracelet in my pocket, "oh um I actually have something for you" I said reaching to my back pocket, "it's nothing special just a bracelet" I said smiling weakly, the bracelet had 3 charms, a cherry, a note with a heart on it, and a rain drop. "The charms they kind of resemble important times of us to me, it's cheesy and all and if you don't like it-" Robin cut me off, "I love it Roni" I smiled, "you made it for me?" He asked with a cheesy smile, "just for you Robin arrellano.

And that my friends IS THE END OF THE BOOK 💔💔 im crying. Stop I'm gonna miss vobin so much. I actually just wanted to say thank you all so much for all the support I have gotten on this book, it's honestly been such an amazing journey and you guys mean the absolute world to me, this is my first book and honestly I want to say I'm so proud of myself for actually finishing it, I just know if it wasn't for you guys support I wouldn't be able to do it. But if you guys want any books abt vobin or a spin off please comment, I love you all so much💓 this is Rory signing off

For you :: Robin Arellano Where stories live. Discover now